Project Detail |
Project Name Bilasuvar Solar Power Project Project Number 58220-001 Borrower / Company Bilasuvar Solar SPV LLC Country / Economy Azerbaijan Location Nation-wide The proposed loan will finance the development, construction and operation of a 445-megawatt solar photovoltaic power plant in Azerbaijan. Objectives and Scope The project will diversify the electricity generation mix of Azerbaijan by meaningfully increasing the share of electricity generated from renewable sources. The project will also help foster reliable clean energy supply to improve energy sustainability, affordability, and security. Linkage to Country/Regional Strategy The project is consistent with ADBs Strategy 2030, which includes tackling climate change, building climate and disaster resilience, and enhancing environmental sustainability as key operational priorities. The project is also consistent with ADBs 2019-2023 Azerbaijan Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) Pillar 1: Boosting private sector development. The project contributes to the CPS outcome of, Business environment and sustainability strengthened. |