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Mauritania Project Notice - MAURITANIA - Project To Promote Gender-Sensitive Agricultural Value Chains And Womens Entrepreneurship In Support Of The Agricultural Transformation Support Program In Mauritania (PCVASGEF-PATAM)

Project Notice

PNR 65227
Project Name MAURITANIA - Project to promote Gender-Sensitive Agricultural Value Chains and Womens Entrepreneurship in support of the Agricultural Transformation Support Program in Mauritania (PCVASGEF-PATAM)
Project Detail The PCVASGEF is an investment operation that focuses on the empowerment of women and adaptation to climate change by targeting the inclusive promotion of the market gardening sector (considered the female sector par excellence in Mauritania). It is part of the Support Program for Agricultural Transformation in Mauritania (PATAM) financed by the ADF, the NTF and the IDB and is in good articulation with the orientations of the Rural Sector Development Strategy (SDSR) 2025 of the country and the Bank’s “Feed Africa” Strategy. The project is consistent with the options of the PATAM structuring program mobilizing in addition to the Bank Group and several financial partners (IDB and GEF). The project thus scales up the value chain (CV) development actions already initiated by placing specific emphasis on the empowerment of women in the Brakna and Trarza regions. Project Objectives The sectoral objective is to contribute to the empowerment of women and the improvement of food and nutritional security as well as the living conditions of target populations. The objective of the expected project is to increase productivity, add value to agricultural products, increase womens income and support the promotion of entrepreneurship of women and girls. Like PATAM, the project is an adaptation operation to climate change. Beneficiaries The intervention area covers fourteen (14) municipalities in the Brakna and Trarza regions. These regions are still characterized by pockets of poverty. Vulnerability affects women more. The activities of the populations are essentially agropastoral. The project mainly targets women farmers of market gardening areas and young potential entrepreneurs in the agricultural value chain. The improvements in flood recession cultivation initiated in West Brakna, which led to satisfactory results, will be continued, and scaled up. Civil society organizations (CSOs) and producers’ organization will be at the core of the project implementation modalities. For the producer’s organization, the womens cooperatives concerned (19,200 members) currently operate market gardening areas over an area of 1,062 ha (or 552 m2per woman). CSOs will be instrumental in delivering training and developing know-how and ensuring the sustainability of project outcomes.
Funded By African Development Bank (AfDB)
Sector Oil & Gas
Country Mauritania , Western Africa
Project Value MRO 12,624,294

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Company Name Ministère de lAgriculture
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