Project Detail |
The Project to Support the Development of Agricultural Value Chains in Support of the Agricultural Transformation Program (PADCV-PTA) is part of the DRCs Agricultural Transformation Program (PTA-RDC). This program, being a 10-year structural transformation of agriculture, is implemented, among others, through two other Bank-funded projects, namely: (i) the Skills Development and Governance and Reforms Project; and (ii) the Transport Infrastructure Development Project. It is perfectly aligned with the countrys vision expressed by the President of the DRC, revenge of the soil over the subsoil. It is also in line with the various national development plans and strategies, particularly the National Strategic Development Plan (PNSD 2021-2023), especially the strategic pillars 3, which focus on consolidating economic growth, diversifying and transforming the economy, and the DRCs Agricultural Transformation Agenda (ATA-RDC). Furthermore, the project is also in perfect alignment with the Banks ten-year strategy (2013-2022), particularly the goal of inclusive growth by involving producers and cooperatives in private initiatives. Project Objectives The overall objective of the PADCV-PTA is to reduce the incidence of food insecurity and food imports in the Democratic Republic of Congo by increasing productivity gains in the agricultural value chains of rice, maize, and cassava. The specific objectives of the PADCV-PTA are: to increase agricultural supply in the targeted sectors (cassava, maize, rice, soybeans, and beans) by ensuring access to agricultural inputs (quality seeds and fertilizers) and essential agroeconomic services; to develop resilient infrastructure for processing, transporting agricultural products, and mobilizing water resources, which will be used for both potable water supply and hydro-agricultural activities, taking into account the potential of water resources and the sociocultural specificities of the beneficiary populations; to generate synergies and economies of scale among the actors in the targeted value chains through the structuring of economic interest groups and improving access to financing. Beneficiaries The Project will operate in the following areas: the Western Axis comprising the Provinces of Kongo Central, Maï-Ndombe, and Kwango; the Central Axis comprising the Provinces of Kasaï Oriental and Lomami; and the Eastern Axis primarily consisting of the Province of South Kivu. |