Project Detail |
The funded delinked risk sharing operation refers to an existing portfolio of project finance loans in the renewable energy, transport and infrastructure sectors. Through the operation, the intermediary will be able to provide additional loans to finance eligible Global Gateway projects across Latin America with a focus on renewable energy (Solar photovoltaic, onshore wind and battery projects) as well as transmission lines. Objectives The operation sets up an EIB-BNPP cooperation to provide new loans to support large-scale private sector projects in Latin America, aligned with the Global Gateway Investment Agenda. The aim is to contribute to improve availability of financial resources for renewable energy and transmission lines in the region. The operation is in line with the EIB priorities on sustainable energy, energy security and climate change, according to the Climate Bank Roadmap. Sector(s) Energy - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Proposed EIB finance (Approximate amount) USD 160 million (EUR 143 million) Total cost (Approximate amount) USD 320 million (EUR 287 million) |