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India Project Notice - Climate-Adaptative Community-Based Water-Harvesting Project In Meghalaya

Project Notice

PNR 64652
Project Name Climate-Adaptative Community-Based Water-Harvesting Project in Meghalaya
Project Detail Project Name Climate-Adaptative Community-Based Water-Harvesting Project in Meghalaya Project Number 52155-001 Country / Economy India Project Status Approved Project Type / Modality of Assistance Loan The Government of Meghalaya has requested the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to support the Climate Adaptative Community-based Water Harvesting Project under SWCD. The states proposed project will: (i) build climate resilient water harvesting systems (WHS) through community demand driven participatory approach to ensure universal access to water for enhancing sustainable and efficient water-based livelihood opportunities for the rural areas, and enhance resilience to climate change impacts and acute water shortage during non-rainy season; and (ii) establish institutional mechanisms for community ownership and integrated management of natural resource in line with central and state government programs and policies. The primary beneficiaries for the project will be (i) communities with increased agricultural production from additional and more secure water supplies, particularly for the rabi season crop, and (ii) rural households from improved access to drinking water. Public sector support is justified as it is unlikely that the private sector would invest as project benefits are mainly for individual farmers and small communities.
Funded By Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Sector Engineering
Country India , Southern Asia
Project Value INR 50,000,000

Contact Information

Company Name Soil and Water Conservation Department
Web Site

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