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Moldova Project Notice - Strengthening Moldovas Disaster Risk Management And Resilience Project

Project Notice

PNR 64551
Project Name Strengthening Moldovas Disaster Risk Management and Resilience Project
Project Detail The development objective of the Strengthening Moldova’s Disaster Risk Management and Resilience Project for Moldova is to enhance Moldova’s preparedness and response to natural hazards and climate-related shocks, and in case of an eligible crisis or emergency, respond promptly and effectively to it. The project comprises of five components. The first component, investments and institutional strengthening for emergency preparedness and response will finance the installation and implementation of a national cell phone (cell broadcast) based public warning system (PWS) with its respective instrumentation and data servers and integration with existing meteorological, hydrological, and geological information systems. It consists of following sub-components: (i) public warning system; (ii) emergency response vehicles; and (iii) community emergency preparedness. The second component, improving hydrometeorological services will support the strengthening of the state hydrometeorological service (SHS’s) meteorological and hydrological monitoring networks; production of forecasts and warnings capacity; and delivery of weather, hydrological, and climate services. It consists of following sub-components: (i) modernization of hydrometeorological monitoring systems and information and communication technology (ICT) capabilities; and (ii) improving SHS service delivery by enhancing SHS forecasting capabilities, institutional strengthening, and regional collaboration. The third component, policy and regulatory support for risk reduction of critical infrastructure and fiscal resilience will provide support for policy and regulatory measures and technical studies to better assess and manage natural hazards and climate-related risks. It consists of following sub-components: (i) policy, regulatory, and feasibility study support to reduce seismic risk; and (ii) financial protection to mitigate disaster impacts. The fourth component, contingent emergency response component (CERC) will enable the reallocation of loan proceeds from other components to provide immediate recovery and reconstruction support following an eligible crisis, as needed. The fifth component, project management will cover operational costs, consulting services, non-consulting services, goods, and training to finance the overall project management cost, including consultants hired by the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) to carry out project management and technical support functions to ensure efficient project implementation and close cooperation between the line ministries and implementing agencies as well as other project stakeholders.The Project Development Objective is to enhance Moldova’s preparedness and response to natural hazards and climate-related shocks, and in case of an eligible crisis or emergency, respond promptly and effectively to it.
Funded By World Bank
Sector Railways
Country Moldova , Eastern Europe
Project Value MDL 40,000,000

Contact Information

Company Name Ministry of Environment
Web Site

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