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Guyana Project Notice - Sustainable Development Plan For Poultry And Grains In Guyana

Project Notice

PNR 64369
Project Name Sustainable Development Plan for Poultry and Grains in Guyana
Project Detail The intermediate savannahs are the new frontier for commercial agriculture in Guyana, the only available lands for mega-farms focusing on grains for food and feed. IICA will develop a strategic plan for the poultry and grains sub-sectors in Guyana. The government and private sector are committed and will use the recommendations from this strategic plan for future investments. General Objective: To identify the various actors along the entire value chain for poultry and grains value chain in Guyana, taking into consideration possible climate resilience models to respond to extreme events and public/private investments required to support a viable poultry and grains industry. Specific Objectives: Characterization of the poultry and grains value chain across the country, including actors, farm models, value addition, market structure, cost and required investment, as well as opportunities and constraints so as to recommend possible interventions for a viable poultry and grains industry in Guyana . Expected Results: Developed a strategic plan for the poultry and grains sub-sectors in Guyana, with recommendations to have a viable industry, supporting food security and increasing trade opportunities.
Funded By World Bank
Sector Administration & Marketing
Country Guyana , South America
Project Value GYD 224,999

Contact Information

Company Name Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture
Web Site

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