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Australia Project Notice - Gridwise – Dynamic Model Validation

Project Notice

PNR 64282
Project Name GridWise – Dynamic Model Validation
Project Detail GridWise will create a standardised, online assessment tool (DMV Tool) for grid connection applicants to pre-screen their technical submissions and project models prior to submission to AEMO and Network Service Providers (NSP). Need The connection process for new grid-connected resources is stressed due to the increasing volume of new connections, the rising complexities of renewable technologies and the changing nature of the transmission grid. This is compounded by a severe skills shortage, particularly in the power systems domains of modelling and analysis. On receiving a connection application, the NSP performs due diligence on all aspects of the proponent’s submission, including the generating system models developed using PSSE and PSCAD software. It is common for the NSP to identify issues related to the submissions; many stem from the inadequate tuning of plant dynamic models, an incomplete study scope of work and incorrect study methodologies. Gaining a common understanding of these issues and then resolving them requires complex coordination and multiple touchpoints between various parties. Proponents often need to repeat the technical studies to address the issues raised by the NSP and AEMO. This iterative process—“two steps forward, one step back”—is essential to ensure that projects are approved after full due diligence without compromising system security and compliance with NER standards. However, this approach adds both cost and time to the assessment and approval of Grid Connections – this needs to be addressed. Action The Dynamic Model Validation (DMV) Tool is a standardised, online assessment tool for pre-screening technical submissions and power system models provided by proponents in support of connection applications. Specifically, the DMV Tool allows the digitisation of NSP modelling expectations through a platform that makes it easy for proponents to understand the NSP requirements and undertake a scope of work appropriate for their projects. It also allows NSP Connection Engineers to assess and provide feedback on the proponent’s submission in a dynamic, streamlined manner. The DMV Tool will thereby support market participants and grid managers in undertaking detailed due diligence of proponent submissions, prevent duplicated effort and enable faster grid connection approval of renewable projects.
Funded By Self-Funded
Sector Energy & Power
Country Australia , Australia and New Zealand
Project Value AUD 800,000

Contact Information

Company Name GridWise Energy Solutions
Web Site

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