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Sweden Project Notice - Redefining The Landscape Of Ammonia Electrooxidation, Utilising Molecular Electrocatalysts

Project Notice

PNR 64197
Project Name Redefining the landscape of ammonia electrooxidation, utilising molecular electrocatalysts
Project Detail Robust molecular catalysts for the electrochemical ammonia oxidation reaction Converting the energy stored in chemical bonds into electrical energy via fuel cells is a promising component of the green energy transition. Ammonia has many benefits over hydrogen, including a lower cost per unit energy stored and a well-established and straightforward production and distribution infrastructure. The electrochemical ammonia oxidation reaction (eAOR) typically relies on platinum-based electrocatalysts. Molecular eAOR catalysts are a promising alternative with many benefits but greater understanding is needed under non-homogeneous and more realistic conditions. With the support of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions programme, the Elmar project aims to create hybrid electrocatalysts by encapsulating non-noble metal molecular complexes in carbon-based supporting materials and optimise them for Europe’s energy sector. Fuel cells represent highly efficient and non-polluting power devices that convert the chemical energy of a fuel into electrical power. Ammonia, as a fuel, is considered a potent alternative to the commonly used hydrogen because it has a lower cost per unit of stored energy and benefits from a well-established production and distribution infrastructure. The electrochemical NH3 oxidation reaction (eAOR) typically relies on Pt-based electrocatalysts due to their low overpotential and remarkable selectivity for N2. However, their susceptibility to durability problems exacerbates their already high cost and limited availability. A few recent studies have reported molecular eAOR catalysts, but evaluate them under homogeneous conditions, which are rarely relevant to energy-related applications. To make feasible catalytic systems out of molecular catalysts, their heterogenisation on electrode surfaces is necessary. Within the MSCA postdoctoral fellowship Elmar, I aim to construct catalytic films for eAOR, by encapsulating non-noble metal molecular complexes in carbon-based supporting materials. Those hybrid electrocatalysts will undergo electrochemical assessment to determine their efficiency and durability, and will be compared to a reference Pt/C catalyst. The performance of each electrocatalyst will be optimized by tuning the micro-environment of the molecular complex inside the film, and rationalized based on spectroscopic and spectroelectrochemical investigations. Overall, I aspire to establish an exemplary methodology for constructing, optimizing, and rationalizing electrocatalysts based on simple non-noble metal complexes. My ultimate goal is to create robust eAOR catalysts capable of competing with Pt-based ones. This endeavour can significantly contribute to the development of fuel cell technologies, that are expected to play an important role in the decarbonization of the EU’s energy system.
Funded By European Union (EU)
Country Sweden , Northern Europe
Project Value SEK 206,888

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