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Project Notice

PNR 64079
Project Detail The MOSALA project will contribute to the construction and implementation of a national employment and qualifying training policy and will support the economic integration of young people through the operationalization and deployment of public training services. CONTEXT While 15-29 year-olds represent about a third of the total population, the situation of young Congolese people on the labor market has deteriorated significantly in recent years. In 2022, only 19% of them have a job and 37% are neither in education, employment, nor training (NEET). Women are significantly and negatively discriminated against in their training and integration paths: they hold lower quality jobs and most often in the informal or domestic sector. In addition, the level of poverty, place of residence, belonging to an indigenous community or having a form of disability have a very significant impact on access to training and decent employment. The analysis of barriers to youth employment shows that the lack of training constitutes a significant obstacle to their integration. Many young people also suffer from the shortage of jobs that characterizes the Congolese labor market and the lack of professional experience. The results of the Survey on the Transition to Working Life (ETVA), carried out in 2022, finally show the inadequacy and unsuitability of support towards employment and preparation for the integration of young people. DESCRIPTION Placed under the aegis of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Civic Education, Skills Training and Employment (MJSECFQE), the Mosala project aims to support young Congolese men and women in their professional integration journey and to cover the needs of employers in qualified human resources, particularly in the key sectors of the countrys economic diversification by reducing gender inequalities in terms of access to quality employment. This project is divided into three components, which aim, respectively, to: Support the structuring and management of the qualifying training and employment system (national employment and training policy, information system on the labor market and training through an employment and qualifying training observatory specifically including the issue of gender) within the General Directorate of Qualifying Training and Employment (DGFQE); Support the National Fund for Employability and Apprenticeship (FONEA) in its activities to implement qualifying training actions adapted to the needs of the job market (strengthening the skills of young people and the quality of the training offer in promising sectors (in particular agriculture, sustainable tourism and industry), promotion of apprenticeship and the integration of young people); Support the implementation of employment support mechanisms of the Congolese Employment Agency (ACPE) (professional integration of young job seekers, particularly targeting women and NEETs and information and guidance on the labor market). IMPACTS The project will benefit 5,000 young people, 50% of whom are young women, who will be supported in a professional integration process. Three public employment and qualifying training services will be strengthened and equipped to better guide and support young people, whether or not they have a degree, towards quality employment. Training offers, linked to the targeted key sectors of the national economy, will be consolidated and made more relevant and their quality certified.
Funded By French Development Agency (AfD),
Sector Other Industries
Country Congo , Central Africa
Project Value XAF 7,500,000

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Company Name Ministry of Youth and Sports, Civic Education, Skills Training and Employment (MJSECFQE)
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