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China Project Notice - China Biodiversity Facility - MOA CN

Project Notice

PNR 63202
Project Name China Biodiversity Facility - MOA CN
Project Detail The objective of the China Biodiversity Facility (hereinafter, the facility) is to contribute to the improvement and implementation of public policies for the preservation of biodiversity in China by supporting exemplary projects with strong impacts and promising innovation in ecological engineering and integrated land management. The facility has three components with one related to the preparation and support, one on the implementation of projects, and one devoted to the facilitation of public policy dialogue, the monitoring-accountability of the facility and the communication. The grant from facility will contribute to strengthening the quality of 8 to 10 projects financed by AFD on loans in the coming years on biodiversity protection, ecological restoration, conservation and enhancement natural capital, promotion of green infrastructure and naturebased solutions. The resources of the facility will be used both in the project preparation phase (additional feasibility studies, environmental and social impact studies, etc.) and in the implementation phase (strengthening of technical assistance, knowledge production...). Finally, the facility will seize the opportunity of the COP15 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (hosting in Kinming - China in 2020) to fuel the dialogue of public policies in matters of preservation of biodiversity and natural capital in China, via the organization of high-level conferences and technical workshops for the exchange of experience
Funded By French Development Agency (AfD),
Sector Railways
Country China , Eastern Asia
Project Value CNY 7,000,000

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Company Name French Development Agency (AfD)
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