Project Detail |
The University of Utah will research a pyrochemical process for efficiently converting UNF to a uranium/transuranic (U/TRU) product suitable for sodium-cooled fast reactors or molten-salt fueled reactors. This process is based on two key separations steps that can occur in a single reaction vessel: dissolution of oxide UNF in molten lithium chloride (LiCl)-potassium chloride (KCl) salt and electrochemical recovery of U/TRU metal on a cathode. Overall, this technology should result in less material handling and lower space requirements than conventional pyroprocessing technology via elimination of fuel baskets, consolidation of processing units, and use of a single solvent salt (i.e., LiCl-KCl). If successful, the proposed process would open the pathway for high throughput, economical pyrochemical processing of UNF that does not generate pure plutonium streams. Potential Impact: By enabling the secure and economical recycling of the nation’s inventory of LWR UNF, CURIE will have the following impacts: |