Project Detail |
The Government of Cambodia has stated its commitment to mine clearance in its Fourth Quadrilateral Strategy (2018-2023). As a signatory to the Ottawa Convention (Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Treaty), Cambodia is obligated to complete the clearance of domestic anti-personnel mines by 2025. However, it is expected that unexploded ordnance and anti-tank mines not specified in the Convention will remain after the deadline, and clearance work must continue. This project will develop facilities for the Mine Action Technical Institute, which will serve as the training function of the Cambodian Mine Action Center, as well as public information facilities in the target area. The project aims to improve the Education training environment for those involved in mine countermeasures and to promote understanding and awareness of the landmine issue, thereby realizing a sustainable society through the promotion of demining and UXO countermeasures in Cambodia and abroad. (1) Purpose of the Project Education This project aims to improve the training environment for mine countermeasures personnel in Kampong Tunan and Siem Reap provinces, and to promote understanding and awareness of the landmine issue through the improvement of the training environment and the promotion of understanding of the landmine issue in Cambodia and abroad. The Institute will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through the promotion of mine clearance and unexploded ordnance countermeasures in Cambodia and abroad. (2) Project Contents (a) Details of facilities, equipment, etc. TIMA facilities (Kampong Tunan Province: classroom building, conference building, accommodation building (boys), accommodation building (girls), cafeteria building, etc.) and public relations facility (Siem Reap Province: indoor exhibition building), total floor area: approx. 8,000 m2 TIMA facilities: WEB conference system, PA system (1 set), etc. Public relations facility: WEB conference system, PA system (1 set), Aerial work vehicles (1 set), display cases (1 set), models (2 sets), etc. (b) Consulting Services/Software Components Consulting Services: Detailed design, bidding assistance, procurement and construction supervision. Software Component |