Project Detail |
The objective of the Enhancing Energy Security through Power Interconnection and Renewable Energy Program as First Phase of a Multi-Phase Programmatic Approach (MPA) is to enhance the implementation readiness of the Black Sea Submarine Cable (BSSC) Project. There are two components to the project, the first component being black sea seabed surveys. This component would finance (a) the surveys of the Black Sea seabed (seabed surveys), (b) the supervision of the two studies, and (c) capacity building and knowledge transfer to support GSE and the Government of Georgia in designing, procuring, and executing them. The second component is the legal and financial advisory and technical assistance. This component will finance advisory and TA activities to support the preparation of the BSSC Project: Institutional, legal, and financial advisory, Preparatory technical studies for the on-land OHLs connecting the BSSC to Georgia’s domestic high-voltage grid, E&S instruments for the BSSC Project and the on-land OHLs in Georgia and Romania, and Stakeholder engagement and communication support. Enhance the implementation readiness of the Black Sea Submarine Cable Project. |