Project Detail |
General Electric (GE) Global Research, with Lumitron Technologies and Idaho State University, will develop an innovative active interrogation technique, Resonance Absorption Densitometry for Materials Assay Security Safeguards (RADMASS), which can penetrate advanced reactor fuel (dense solid actinides) and measure fissile mass density (<1% uncertainty) on the order of minutes or less while being insensitive to high background radiation. This will enable measurements of both UNF input and transuranic/plutonium output, which are the largest factors in standard error in inventory differences within a pyroprocessing facility. The GRC team will use photonics and nuclear modeling and simulation to show proof of concept for the ability of RADMASS to operate in a high radiation nuclear fuel reprocessing hot cell (radiation containment chamber) facility. Potential Impact: By identifying and addressing challenges at the back end of the fuel cycle before the deployment of future AR technologies, ONWARDS will: |