Project Detail |
This project aims to strengthen the capacities of six municipalities in Haiti so that they can provide drinking water and sanitation services resilient to risks and disasters to the population. With a view to the end of Switzerlands bilateral cooperation in Haiti, phase II consolidates and scales up the achievements of the first phase and integrates approaches from the direct humanitarian project “Natural Disaster Risk Reduction”.
Access to drinking water and sanitation (EPA) is part of human rights, sustainable development goals and is an important element in the fight against diseases such as cholera. In Haiti, in a fragile security context and resurgence of cholera, 1 in 3 people do not have access to drinking water. Many drinking water supply systems are non-functional due to lack of effective governance coupled with the repeated effects of natural disasters. The provision of services is marked by disparities between rural and urban areas, weak local governance and weak financial support from the central State to town halls. Project management, an innovative approach promoted by the REGLEAU project, financed by the South framework credit, whose results of phase 1 are promising, offers Switzerland, during and after its exit from bilateral cooperation in Haiti, planned for the end of 2023, added value to improve the governance of the sector. It allows it to integrate and consolidate the approaches tested during two phases by the direct humanitarian project “Natural Disaster Risk Reduction” (RRC), financed by the humanitarian framework credit. The consolidation of the results of the two projects, with an emphasis on disaster resilience, is part of a nexus approach during the phase of the closure of the Swiss bilateral cooperation program and the transition to a nexus program financed by the humanitarian framework credit.
Objectives Municipalities (as project owners) provide their communities with resilient drinking water and sanitation services, thus contributing to the improvement of living conditions and strengthening the legitimacy of the State at the local level. |