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Venezuela Project Notice - Multisectoral Response To The Humanitarian Needs Of Vulnerable People In Amazonas, Zulia And Bolivar States

Project Notice

PNR 60940
Project Name Multisectoral response to the humanitarian needs of vulnerable people in Amazonas, Zulia and Bolivar states
Project Detail Amid the protracted crisis in Venezuela, Action Against Hunger will provide humanitarian assistance in the sectors of Food Security and Livelihoods, Health and Nutrition for a total of 15’961 direct beneficiaries, identified as the most vulnerable population in Amazonas, Bolívar and Zulia states – border states with Colombia and Brazil; in line with the United Nation’s Humanitarian Response Plan for Venezuela 2022 – 2024 and the SDC Guidance Note for Venezuela 2022 – 2024 According to OCHAs Needs Assessment Overview for 2023, the context of socio-economic crisis has had a major impact on access to basic services and the living conditions of the most vulnerable people in Venezuela. The deterioration of the public basic services (health, water and electricity), combined with the lack of purchasing power, has significantly worsened the nutritional conditions of the most at-risk families, especially those living in hard-to-reach areas such as the indigenous communities of Amazonas. The most vulnerable families struggle to ensure their access to safe drinking water, as well as to food and non-food items (despite their availability in the market). The minimum wage on 22 May 2023 was USD 4.99 (Bolívares 130.00) per month, being far insufficient to cover the basic food basket, calculated by the Centro de Documentación y Análisis para los Trabajadores at USD 526.27, equivalent to Bolívares 13’214.61. The three states targeted for intervention are prioritised by the Humanitarian Response Plan 2022-2023, as well as the target group, children under 5 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, elderly people and indigenous population. The state of Amazonas is one of the states with the most precarious living conditions and mayor needs of humanitarian assistance (80’000 people in need from a total of 182’311 inhabitants), especially in mother and child nutrition and health, concentrated mainly in indigenous populations. According to the ACH database, the main causes of morbidity in nursing mothers and children are: anaemic syndrome, acute diarrhoea, respiratory diseases, common cold, neuomonia, among others. Objectives Assist the most affected people by the socioeconomic crisis in Venezuela by improving their food security, strengthen their livelihood alternatives and their access to basic services with the aim to improve their quality of life.
Funded By Action Contre la Faim (Action Against Hunger)
Sector Electronics
Country Venezuela , South America
Project Value VEB 950,000

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Company Name Action Against Hunger
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