Project Detail |
The objective of the Second Health Project is to contribute to improving the efficiency and quality of the public health system of the Republic of Serbia through the strengthening of: (i) health financing, purchasing, and maintenance systems; and (ii) quality improvement systems and management of selected priority non-communicable diseases. There are four components to the project, the first component being improvement of health financing. This component will support reforms to improve the quality, efficiency, and transparency of HIF financing for primary care and hospitals. The component will finance technical assistance, training, goods and equipment to support the design and implementation of incentives and oversee results; finance initial piloting of a quality improvement grants scheme to DZs; and support upgrades of information technology capacity to improve financial reporting and performance monitoring at central, hospital, and primary levels. The second component is the efficient purchasing of pharmaceuticals and medical products. Activities under this component will be organized around the following main areas: support for centralized procurement of drugs and supplies through framework contracts; strengthening of Health Technology Assessment (HTA); and improving systems for medical equipment maintenance. Activities in this area will support TA, training and equipment, including a piloting of a multi-vender medical equipment maintenance contact. The third component is the strengthening quality of service delivery. This component aims to improve standards of quality and efficiency of care in the Serbian health sector through two main approaches: (i) strengthening quality improvement systems; and (ii) modernizing cancer management at selected tertiary facilities. This component will strengthen crosscutting systems of performance management and information technology that are pertinent across both sub-components, and will finance goods, civil works, technical assistance, training and equipment. Finally, the fourth component is the project management. This component will support routine project management, including fiduciary tasks, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), audits of project financial statements. Closing Date: September 30, 2019. Total Project Cost: US$ 40.00 million. |