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Various Countries Project Notice - Regional Transport And Trade Facilitation Project On The Cameroon-Equatorial Guinea-Gabon Economic Corridor Construction Of A Bridge Over The Ntem River

Project Notice

PNR 59162
Project Name Regional Transport and Trade Facilitation Project on the Cameroon-Equatorial Guinea-Gabon Economic Corridor Construction of a Bridge over the Ntem River
Project Detail This project concerns the construction of the regional bridge over the Ntem River between Campo (Cameroon) and Rio Campo (Equatorial Guinea) and transport facilitation on the Yaoundé-Bata-Libreville corridor. The demarcated corridor is incorporated in the Central African Consensual Master Plan (PDCT-AC) adopted under the aegis of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS). Construction of the bridge over the Ntem River will benefit from all these projects. Moreover, the combined effects of previous or ongoing investments in road networks of Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea will contribute to a rapid increase in traffic and achievement of the project’s development objectives. This operation is high on the list of integrating projects in the ECCAS/CEMAC zone, especially in the PDCT-AC whose objective is to foster regional integration within the community area. The project, by establishing a fixed land link between Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea will contribute to the expansion of intra-community trade and an increase in trade outlets for producers in the area. The project has four (4) components: (i) works, (ii) support for transport facilitation and the emergence of an industrial port hub in the Kribi-Bata area, (iii) institutional support and sectoral studies, (iv) project management and compensation. Project Objectives The project objective is to improve the level of service and build the resilience of the transport logistics chain on the Yaoundé-Bata-Libreville corridor and contribute to the emergence of an industrial and port complex in the Kribi-Bata area. More specifically, the project aims to: (i) increase the volume of trade between the two countries; (ii) reduce travel time, transit and transportation costs along the Yaoundé-Bata-Libreville multinational corridor; (iii) create conditions that will be conducive to the promotion of an industrial and port complex in the aforementioned area and; (iv) improve the living conditions of the population, in particular, of women, youth and vulnerable groups in the project impact area. Beneficiaries The beneficiaries of the project are the populations of Campo, Cameroon and Rio Campo, RGE, which are the two main urban centres. The population of the area belongs to a multitude of ethnic groups, the most representative of which are the Iyassa, the Bagyéli and the Mvaé (in the Borough of Campo) and the Fangs and the Ndowe (in the Borough of Rio Campo). The people of Rio Campo and Campo, in particular, are involved in farming, fishing and helping to cross the river. Women in particular will benefit greatly from the project, as the bridge and the new arrangements for managing border flows will make it easier for them to supply inputs and sell their products on the corridor. The same applies to the opening of related rural tracks in the area. Transporters and transport intermediaries (including logistics platform operators) are another group of beneficiaries worth mentioning.
Funded By African Development Bank (AfDB)
Sector Entertainment
Country Various Countries , Southern Asia
Project Value AL 59,970,284

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Company Name Ministry of Public Works
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