Project Detail |
This intervention concerns the Supplementary Financing to the Bagre Growth Pole Support Project (PAPCB). The PAPCB dates back to the 1970s with the first interventions of the Burkina State aimed at the economic development of areas free of onchocerciasis. The PAPCB will contribute to the governments strategy based on the growth pole approach and to the implementation of the Bagré growth pole project, which has been identified as a high priority by the authorities in charge of the countrys political transition. It will contribute by extending the development to 2,194 ha (out of a total of 13,000 ha) and developing value chains with a view to modernising agriculture. The project will operate in a border area in Ghana and Togo, located about 250 km from the city of Ouagadougou. The five-year project is structured around three main components: (i) Development of agricultural infrastructure; (ii) Value chain development; and (iii) Project management. The main expected achievements are: the extension of the primary canal on the right bank over a length of 22 km, the construction of a buffer reservoir with a nominal water capacity of 114,000 m3, the development of an irrigated perimeter for small producers (924 ha); the rehabilitation of 1200 ha on the right bank, the construction of storage, processing and marketing infrastructures (storage warehouses, drying areas, and markets) as well as activities to develop value chains. The total cost of the project is UA 26 million. Project Objectives The project objective remains unchanged, that is to contribute to robust and shared economic growth, climate resilience and food and nutrition security based on the development of the Bagré Agro-industrial Pole. Beneficiaries The PAPCB will reach three categories of beneficiaries directly: (i) farmers: 903 people affected by the project resettled in the new perimeter (0.7 ha/operator) and 1200 in the existing perimeter (1 ha/operator), i.e. 2103 small farmers in total; (ii) 116 young agricultural promoters, including 96 sons/daughters of farmers in the project area (2 ha/operator) and 20 graduates (5 ha/operator) from agricultural training institutions; (iii) and the private operators benefiting from the 1270 ha (and whose impoundment will be made possible thanks to the structural developments (extension of the primary canal and pumping station) financed by the project, the number of which is estimated at 3 to 5 (the allocation process is in progress). In total, the project will directly benefit about 13,300 people (including about 4,000 women). |