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Various Countries Project Notice - Health Security Program In Western And Central Africa

Project Notice

PNR 59124
Project Name Health Security Program in Western and Central Africa
Project Detail The development objective of the Health Security Program in Western and Central Africa Project for Cabo Verde, Guinea, Liberia is to increase regional collaboration and health system capacities to prevent, detect, and respond to health emergencies in Western and Central Africa. The project comprises of five components. The first component, prevention of health emergencies focuses on strengthened planning and management of health security resources, as well as preventing and minimizing impacts of health threats such as zoonoses and antimicrobial resistance (AMR). It consists of following sub-components: (i) health security governance, planning, and stewardship; and (ii) scaling-up one health agenda and combatting AMR. The second component, detection of health emergencies focuses on multisectoral surveillance systems and mechanisms for data sharing within and across borders, strong regional laboratory networks and multisectoral and integrated workforce required to enable early detection of health emergencies. It consists of following sub-components: (i) collaborative surveillance; (ii) laboratory quality and capacity; and (iii) multi-disciplinary human resources for health emergencies. The third component, health emergency response will build and sustain capacities that can prevent and prepare for an outbreak from becoming an epidemic or pandemic, through a focus on disease control and effective health emergency response. It consists of following sub-components: (i) health emergency management; and (ii) health service delivery for health emergencies. The fourth component, program management and institutional capacity will support the critical building blocks for strong implementation and coordination required for implementing a regional program. The fifth component, contingency emergency response component (CERC) will facilitate access to rapid financing by allowing for the reallocation of uncommitted project funds in the event of a public health emergency (PHE) in a country, either by a formal declaration of a national emergency or upon a formal request from the respective government of a Participating Country.
Funded By World Bank
Country Various Countries , Southern Asia
Project Value AL 158,000,000

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Company Name Ministry of Finance
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