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Senegal Project Notice - North Agro-Industrial Processing Zone Project - SAPZ-Nord Or Agropole-Nord

Project Notice

PNR 59005
Project Name North Agro-Industrial Processing Zone Project - SAPZ-Nord Or Agropole-Nord
Project Detail The operation for the Projet de Zone de Transformation Agro-industrielle du Nord (PZTA-Nord or Agropole-Nord) consists of a syndication in which the Banks participation amounts to 86.89 million euros (30.7%) out of a total cost of 283.05 million euros. This intervention aims to develop and modernize the agricultural economy in the North zone by accelerating the industrial transformation of products from the main Agro-Sylvo-Pastoral and Halieutic (ASPH) value chains, which have real potential in terms of import substitution (rice, corn, farmed fish, milk, onions, tomatoes, meat, wheat) and export (gum arabic, onions, hides and skins, etc.), while occupying a significant number of households. By setting up an integrated ecosystem of infrastructures and services along the production, processing, and marketing chains for processed products, the Northern Agropolis will gradually ensure the capture of added value and the generation of additional income for households in the area. Project Objectives The main objective of the project is to improve industrial processing capacities for agro-sylvo-pastoral and halieutic (ASPH) products and related services, and to sustainably increase household incomes and food security in the Northern Agropole. The specific objectives are: i) to encourage the processing of ASPH products by setting up agro-industrial parks and promoting private investment, and ii) to boost the production and productivity of agro-industrial sectors, wealth creation and community resilience in the face of climate change.
Funded By African Development Bank (AfDB)
Sector Administration & Marketing
Country Senegal , Africa
Project Value XOF 1,237,077

Contact Information

Company Name Government Of Senegal
Web Site

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