Project Detail |
The development objective of Second Program for Strengthening Governance for Enabling Service Delivery and Public Investment in Kenya (GESDeK II) Project is to enhance revenue mobilization and deepen accountability and transparency in public finance management at the national government level. GESDeK II is organized around four Results Area (RAs) and six Disbursement-Linked Indicator (DLIs). RA 1 supports core aspects of the government’s revenue mobilization agenda. RA 2 will support efforts to strengthen the accountability and transparency of public spending. RA 3 supports efforts to strengthen national government coordination. RA 4 supports efforts to promote external audit and oversight. GESDeK II will support the implementation of the PFM Reform Strategy for 2023–2028. The PFM Reform Program has national coverage and apply to all MDAs. Among the key results areas anticipated under the new PFM Reform Strategy, GESDeK II will specifically support the ones regarding: (a) enhancing revenue mobilization; (b) strengthening accountability and transparency of public spending; (c) improving the implementation of priority programs and projects; and (d) promoting external audit and oversight. While the scope of the government’s PFM Reform Program includes the counties, GESDeK II will maintain its focus on the national level considering: (a) the selectivity that the Program is exercising regarding supporting initiatives that will have systemic impact across the public sector; and (b) there is another PforR operation (KDSP II) that will support PFM outcomes at the county level. To enhance public sector efficiency, accountability, and transparency through improving revenue systems, spending controls, public sector effectiveness, and oversight. |