Project Detail |
Optimising mobile laboratories for disease-monitoring missions Rapid response mobile laboratories (?RRMLs)? are key to quickly responding to and monitoring diseases. However, their successful deployment depends on the operational capacities of users. The EU-funded ONELAB project aims to develop a modular RRML for fast, flexible and scalable use in as many settings and scenarios as possible. In addition, it will create advanced measurement systems, and devise and demonstrate a workflow for semi-autonomous disease-specific biomarker discovery. Training and networking events will improve key actors’ capabilities and capacities. A citizen’s guide to mass community testing and educational outreach resources will boost public engagement and acceptance. Expert opinion from across the world recommends, & calls for, modular laboratory systems to be made available for disease monitoring missions. The WHO calls these, “Rapid Response Mobile Laboratories” (RRML). ONELAB will develop modular RRML for rapid, flexible, scalable, multi-scenario deployments into the widest range of possible settings. These next-generation facilities will support next-generation measurement-technologies/methodologies and, through satellite communications, form wide-area GIS enabled laboratory information systems. Thus, simultaneously providing point-of-need disease detection, along with high-level situational awareness. ONELAB will also develop advanced measurement systems for a staged disease detection response. Exploiting a panel of acute viral infection biomarkers enables early detection of disease during its asymptomatic incubation. Using this at the outbreak of disease, when much is still undefined, supports effective immediate & targeted public health interventions. Additionally, using proven methodologies developed in response to COVID 19, ONELAB will develop & demonstrate a workflow for semi-autonomous disease specific biomarker discovery. This application & delivery of agile science enhances the capability & capacity of current disease testing-strategies substantially RRMLs are only as good as the skilled teams who operate them. So, ONELAB builds world-wide networks & partnerships of experienced experts to: define contextually-aligned best practice; develop a consensus-driven concepts of operation; and, disseminate this though a pandemic testing playbook. We will develop capability & capacity with training & networking-events that continue beyond the project. Finally, community mass-testing requires engagement & acceptance from all citizens, which is why we will engage with the public, & produce a citizen’s guide to mass community testing, supported by educational outreach resources. |