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Spain Project Notice - Trustworthy Multi-Site Privacy Enhancing Technologies

Project Notice

PNR 57936
Project Name TRUstworthy Multi-site Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Project Detail Improving data privacy in federated learning through novel methods To address federated learning privacy vulnerabilities, the EU-funded TRUMPET project will conduct research to identify them and develop novel privacy enhancement technologies that will contribute to their mitigation. The project also aims to create a scalable federated AI service platform that will improve overall data privacy and enable researchers to run AI-powered studies on European data sets with improved privacy. To demonstrate the security of the new method, experts and third-party organisations will be engaged to test and improve the platform in two eHealth federated learning use cases. In recent years, Federated Learning (FL) has emerged as a revolutionary privacy-enhancing technology and, consequently, has quickly expanded to other applications. However, further research has cast a shadow of doubt on the strength of privacy protection provided by FL. Potential vulnerabilities and threats pointed out by researchers included a curious aggregator threat; susceptibility to man-in-the-middle and insider attacks that disrupt the convergence of global and local models or cause convergence to fake minima; and, most importantly, inference attacks that aim to re-identify data subjects from FL’s AI model parameter updates. The goal of TRUMPET is to research and develop novel privacy enhancement methods for Federated Learning, and to deliver a highly scalable Federated AI service platform for researchers, that will enable AI-powered studies of siloed, multi-site, cross-domain, cross border European datasets with privacy guarantees that exceed the requirements of GDPR. The generic TRUMPET platform will be piloted, demonstrated and validated in the specific use case of European cancer hospitals, allowing researchers and policymakers to extract AI-driven insights from previously inaccessible cross-border, cross-organization cancer data, while ensuring the patients’ privacy. The strong privacy protection accorded by the platform will be verified through the engagement of external experts for independent privacy leakage and re-identification testing. A secondary goal is to research, develop and promote with EU data protection authorities a novel metric and tool for the certification of GDPR compliance of FL implementations. The consortium is composed of 9 interdisciplinary partners: 3 Research Organizations, 1 University, 3 SMEs and 2 Clinical partners with extensive experience and expertise to guarantee the correct performance of the activities and the achievement of the results.
Funded By European Union (EU)
Country Spain , Southern Europe
Project Value EUR 3,947,724

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