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Italy Project Notice - Modular Heating Technology Through Renewable Resources For Steel Production

Project Notice

PNR 57720
Project Name Modular HEATing Technology through renewable resources for steel production
Project Detail Nowadays the overall energy demand in downstream steel production is mainly based on fossil fuel, so it is fundamental to find and set new ways to overcome the environmental impact of steel production Currently, the state-of-art of reheating furnaces is based on CH4 burners, with an evident environmental impact on CO2 emissions The main objective is to decarbonize this process, based on the introduction of hybrid heating technology, based on electrification and gas-burning properly combined. This solution provides an opportunity to explore the synergic effect of different technologies, by “hybrid heating”. Moreover, the whole efficiency of the heating process can be furtherly improved by the recovery of enthalpy content of off-gases from the furnace. The furnace partial electrification will be realized by the installation of an induction system. The electricity to feed the inductor will be provided by a renewable source (RES) and by the heat recovery system.
Funded By European Union (EU)
Country Italy , Southern Europe
Project Value EUR 5,146,300

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