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Italy Project Notice - Boosting The Uptake Of Circular Business Model, Product And Process Innovation

Project Notice

PNR 57055
Project Name Boosting the uptake of circular business model, product and process innovation
Project Detail Support for SME sustainable growth The EU-funded Up2Circ project strives to accelerate and scale the transition of European SMEs to a circular economy by offering attractive and efficient support measures. With the Up2Circ-Accelerator, the project will accompany SMEs from exploration of opportunities to directly funded concrete implementation projects. By lifting barriers with a customised, client-centric advisory approach, it will give access to specific expertise and skills that SMEs need to develop a concrete action plan on how to transition. Together with EU stakeholders, the project aims to explore and demonstrate how we can increase efficiency of EU SME support in order to make circular economy the new normal. The project will make its methodology and materials available to SME innovation advisors. Up2Circ will demonstrate a replicable pathway to motivate and effectively support SMEs to innovate and transform towards sustainable growth and adresses the need of EU innovation support ecosystems to better join forces and make best use of synergies in order to enable a quick and comprehensive transition of Europes SMEs towards a circular economy on a large scale. With the Up2Circ-Accelerator the project accompanies SMEs from exploration of opportunities to concrete implementation projects concerning the uptake of circular business model, product and process innovation, focussing on achievable innovation measures with clear mid-term benefits for the SMEs. Up2Circ is dismantling barriers with a customized, client-centric advisory approach and gives access to specific expertise and skills that SMEs need to develop a concrete action plan on how to transition. Learning modules of Up2Circ-Academy will connect sustainable innovation, the uptake of advanced technologies and social innovation aspects under the holistic concept of a circular economy and will be compiled based on existing results and in close cooperation with EU networks and initiatives such as ATI, EDIH, ECCP, EIT and OITB. Up2Circ methodology and materials will be made available to SME innovation advisors and trainings will be offered targeting e.g. EEN sustainability advisors to upscale project results. Further, to increase efficiency of EU innovation support ecosystems, four leveraging effects will be demonstrated and exploited: Make use of existing results, reach out more efficiently to SMEs, make use of complementary strengths, establish closer connections.
Funded By European Union (EU)
Sector BPO
Country Italy , Southern Europe
Project Value EUR 4,999,778

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