Project Detail |
Project Name Climate and Disaster Resilient Small-Scale Water Resources Management Project Project Number 53237-001 Country / Economy Bangladesh Project Status Approved Project Type / Modality of Assistance Grant Loan Source of Funding / Amount Grant 0906-BAN: Climate and Disaster Resilient Small-Scale Water Resources Management Project Netherlands US$ 17.80 million Loan 4346-BAN: Climate and Disaster Resilient Small-Scale Water Resources Management Project Concessional ordinary capital resources lending US$ 106.00 million Loan 8456-BAN: Climate and Disaster Resilient Small-Scale Water Resources Management Project International Fund for Agricultural Development US$ 42.98 million Operational Priorities OP1: Addressing remaining poverty and reducing inequalities OP2: Accelerating progress in gender equality OP3: Tackling climate change, building climate and disaster resilience, and enhancing environmental sustainability OP5: Promoting rural development and food security OP6: Strengthening governance and institutional capacity Sector / Subsector Agriculture, natural resources and rural development / Agricultural production - Irrigation - Rural flood protection - Rural market infrastructure - Rural water policy, institutional and capacity development Gender Gender equity theme Description The proposed Climate and Disaster Resilient Small-scale Water Resources Management Project builds on three prior Asian Development Bank (ADB)-financed small-scale water resources (SSWR) management projects implemented by the Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) in Bangladesh. This project renews the emphasis on flood and drought risk management, drainage improvement, and irrigation systems modernization; enhances the climate and disaster resilience of SSWR infrastructures and services; and improves agricultural productivity and profitability through effective, participatory, and sustainable SSWR management in the selected project locations. It will provide beneficiary-managed infrastructure, facilities, and equipment covering a benefit area of more than 220,000 hectares (ha) to address key issues facing the agriculture and fisheries sectors. It will (i) establish 150 new inclusive water management cooperative associations (WMCAs) and provide them with new climate- and disaster-resilient water management infrastructure; (ii) strengthen the WMCAs at 230 existing subprojects and assist them with measures, including additional infrastructure to enhance performance; and (iii) provide emergency reconstruction and modernization of the Bakkhali rubber dam (BRD). It will (i) enhance crop and fishery agribusinesses and marketing with facilities, machinery, and equipment supporting the livelihoods of 380,000 households, including 30,000 women from poor and/or smallholder households, and 45,000 vulnerable persons from 45,000 functionally landless and/or poor households; and (ii) increase the inclusion and participation of women, youth, and small ethnic communities (SECs). It will be implemented over 6 years (i.e., implementation period) in 42 districts covering 64% of the national area and four broad areas prone to natural disasters, home to 77% of the countrys rural poor. Project Rationale and Linkage to Country/Regional Strategy Bangladeshs population of 171.1 million (as of in 2021) is confined within an area of 14.7 million ha, making it among the worlds most densely populated countries. The country is exposed to extreme natural hazards and climate impacts, severely affecting livelihoods and food security. About 61% of the population lives in rural areas and is mainly engaged in agriculture and related nonfarm activities. Agriculture and fisheries subsectors most at risk from climate change and extreme weather events provide about 40% of employment and contribute significantly to poverty reduction and food security. About two-thirds of the rural population is landless, or functionally landless; increasingly frequent floods affect those with productive land. To continue the successful outcome of prior investments, the project is aligned with the governments eighth 5-year plan, ADBs country partnership strategy for Bangladesh, ADBs Strategy 2030, and the goals of the Paris Agreement according to the Joint Multilateral Development Banks Methodological Principles for Assessment of Paris Agreement Alignment of New Operations. It will address the following Strategy 2030 operational priorities: addressing remaining poverty and reducing inequalities; accelerating progress in gender equality; tackling climate change, building climate and disaster resilience, and enhancing environmental sustainability; promoting rural development and food security; and strengthening governance and institutional capacity. The project will provide accelerated support to address climate impacts and food security. Specific activities include raising and strengthening flood embankments, deepening channels to increase water retention, providing efficient electric pump-pipe irrigation, training, developing capacity, and supporting climate-smart agricultureand agribusiness. Given the innovative and new climate resilience features, the project has attracted cofinancing from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Government of the Netherlands. IFAD will provide a loan of $42.98 million which will be partially administered by ADB to finance the expenditures in relation to (i) infrastructure works for the new and PE subprojects and for the BRD subproject; (ii) for goods, including equipment, vehicles, machinery, and packaging; and (iii) consulting services, including capacity development and trainings, baseline surveys, and safeguards monitoring, and for compensation for involuntary resettlement, but excluding land acquisition. The Government of Netherlands will provide grant cofinancing of $17.80 million which will be fully administered by ADB to finance innovative pilot works and consulting services focusing on innovation. ADBs involvement and oversight will also support value-for-money procurement, quality design and construction, and monitoring of safeguards. Impact Sustainable and inclusive development resilient to disaster and climate change achieved (Eighth Five Year Plan, FY2021-FY2025) |