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Germany Project Notice - A Renewable Power-To-Heat Technology To Decarbonize Heavy Industry

Project Notice

PNR 54543
Project Name A renewable Power-to-Heat technology to decarbonize heavy industry
Project Detail Heatrix is a young deep-tech climate startup based in Bremen, Germany. Our mission is to competitively replace fossil fuels in energy-intensive industries by converting renewable electricity into storable, process heat up to 1500°C. The Heatrix system combines an innovative high-temperature electric heater, utilizing off-grid solar or wind electricity, with a thermal energy storage to provide continuous high-temperature process heat with zero emissions. Our modular approach, where heater and storage are fitted into standardized container systems, enables rapid deployment and easy integration into existing plants with minimal retrofitting requirements. We combine cutting-edge scientific findings with mature technologies and equipment to benefit from economies of scale. Customers can implement Heatrix in a phased approach in line with market demand for green products and the availability of renewable electricity. Given the complexities of our technology and the challenges to build a successful startup supporting programmes such as the Woman TechEU are invaluable. The grant will allow us to build more confidence towards our technology for future customers. We plan to use the grant to attract industry partners and strengthen our relationships by collaborating on first feasibility studies to evaluate integration possibilities of the Heatrix system in existing processes. Moreover, the support of experienced mentors and coaches will help us to sharpen our business plan, secure initial customers as well as build and grow high-performance teams. Gender equality is a matter of course to us and especially for me, female CEO and founder of Heatrix, a heartfelt wish. I am eager to get in touch and learn from successful female role-models to strengthen my team-building capacities and leadership skills.
Funded By European Union (EU)
Country Germany , Western Europe
Project Value EUR 75,000

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