Project Detail |
The development objective of Greater Beirut Public Transport Project for Lebanon is to improve the speed, quality and accessibility of public transport for passengers in Greater Beirut and at the city of Beirut’s northern entrance. The project has three components. 1) The first component, Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) infrastructure, fleet, and systems, aims to finance goods, works, and consulting services for detailed design, construction, and supervision of the BRT infrastructure on the Northern Highway and outer ring road of Beirut including stations, terminals, depots, park and ride facilities, intersections, pedestrian crossings and pedestrian bridges, corridor traffic management system, and so on. 2) The second component, Feeder and regular bus services and integration in urban environment, aims to finance goods, works, and services for bus stops and shelters, street furniture, and roadworks as needed along the bus roads. 3) The third component, Capacity building and project management, aims to finance consulting services, firms, or experts, for institutional strengthening for the supervision of BRT/feeder operations at Railways and Public Transport Authority (RPTA) and other relevant agencies. The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve the speed, quality and accessibility of public transport for passengers in Gre ater Beirut and at the city of Beirut’s northern entrance. Key Details Project Details Project ID P160224 Status Active Team Leader Mira Morad Borrower 2 Lebanese Republic Country Lebanon Approval Date (as of board presentation) N/A Total Project Cost 1 US$ 345.00 million Implementing Agency Council for Development and Reconstruction Region Middle East and North Africa Fiscal Year 3 2018 Commitment Amount US$ 295.00 million Environmental Category A Last Update Date March 27, 2023 Closing Date December 31, 2023 Last Stage Reached Bank Approved |