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Turkey Project Notice - SHORE: Empower Students As The Agents Of Change

Project Notice

PNR 54062
Project Name SHORE: EmpOweR Students as the agents of cHangE
Project Detail SHORE will be focusing on engaging & mobilizing students, teachers, and schools to implement the Mission Ocean objectives to increase ocean literacy with the help of community activities & cooperation projects. SHORE project will last 36 months and cover five different regional areas (Baltic, Black, Mediterranean Sea, Danube & Rhine River Area) with its 14 consortium partners. It will set up Country Hubs to offer guidance for the educators and schools on Blue Curricula, develop and implement their projects and use open schooling methodologies. Contry Hubs will also promote community activities such as exhibitions, workshops, training, seminars, and meetNtalks to increase the awareness of ocean literacy among the society. SHORE will provide grants to 100 schools through three open call periods for proposals to support blue projects for a maximum amount of up to 10.000 euro per grant. Educational materials and trainings for educators will be available during th eprojec to increase their knowledge about sustainable and blue education. A digital platform will be set-up to monitor school projects, and provide a virtual learning environment system including rewards and badges. In addition, at the end of each school period, a public voting session will be held to raise awareness & engagement, create a wider audience and select the best school project which will receive the Ocean Ambassador/Literate of the Year Award. An Ocean Literacy Action Center will be established within the YTU to coordinate public activities and bring researchers and public together to enhance ocean literacy during the project and thereafter.
Funded By European Union (EU)
Sector Railways
Country Turkey , Asia
Project Value TRY 2,998,519

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