Project Detail |
Electric vehicles (EVs) are more efficient compared with gasoline vehicles and can reduce carbon emissions, improve local air quality, and provide a platform for technological innovation and economic growth. The main hurdles to their widespread adoption are high cost, limited range, and long charging times due to battery technology limitations. One solution is to substantially reduce onboard energy storage and instead deliver power wirelessly to the vehicle while it is at a traffic stop or in motion. Development of a compact, efficient, safe, load-leveled, and cost-effective wireless charging system can substantially increase EV penetration.
Project Innovation + Advantages:
Cornell University seeks to develop a breakthrough wireless charging system for stationary and dynamic charging of EVs that will drastically reduce the need for expensive and bulky on-board batteries, enable unlimited range, accelerate EV penetration, and reduce U.S. energy consumption. The new system will leverage charging range extension, field focusing, and machine learning-based optimization to (1) reduce interference from fringing fields by 10x, (2) increase energy transfer by 10x, and (3) reduce power pulsations by 10x compared with state-of-the-art solutions. The project will demonstrate a 50-kW capacitive wireless charging system for EVs, which targets 150 kW/m2 power transfer density and 95% efficiency, while meeting fringing-field safety standards and minimizing power pulsations on the electric grid.
Potential Impact:
If successful, this project will advance the development and evaluation of an intelligent energy management system that enhances operational reliability, lowers infrastructure costs, and achieves higher economic benefits for the system operator and EV charging service provider. |