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Spain Project Notice - Welding Equipment For Optimised, Fast And Accurate Longitudinal Barrel Joint Closure

Project Notice

PNR 53447
Project Name Welding Equipment for optimised, fast and accurate LongituDinal barrEl joint closuRe
Project Detail A toolkit for the next-generation aeronautics equipment Precision welding equipment is an essential component for high-quality aerospace manufacturing. The WELDER project aims to be at the forefront of the aerospace industry thermoplastic adoption strategy through the provision and demonstration of the aeroplane fuselage welding. In the long run, it aims to highly improve the environmental and economic performance of the aerospace sector, according to the CS2 objectives. WELDER will focus on designing, developing and deploying two robot-based, modular, flexible and fully operative welding solutions, and providing an online monitoring and control system for whole lifecycle management. The main objective of the WELDER project is to design, develop and deploy two robot-based, modular, flexible (Plug-and-Produce) and fully operative welding solutions (namely, ultrasonic welding and resistance welding end-effectors), including all the needed tooling and auxiliaries for performing the longitudinal barrel joint of the 8 m long fuselage at the Multi-Functional Fuselage Demonstrator. Moreover, WELDER will be focused on implementing an online monitoring and control system based on an end-to-end digital manufacturing solution, which will stablish a bidirectional dataflow to feed the whole lifecycle management digital twin and, thus, optimising the process and product performance while enabling new approval/acceptance procedures. Therefore, the successful execution of the WELDER project will become the spearhead of the aerospace industry thermoplastic adoption strategy through the provision and demonstration of the airplane fuselage welding replacing conventional joining systems that currently relies on fastening, riveting and adhesives, thus highly improving the environmental and economic performance of the aerospace sector, according to CS2 objectives. The following results will also be achieved at the end of the project: - A methodology for integrating new welding equipment (ultrasonic and resistance) on existing end-users´ facilities, regarding equipment set-up, tooling and auxiliarys integration. - Frame coupling designs validation and an optimised manufacturing process based on the resistance metal mesh embedding within the coupling product. - Inline monitoring and control digital pipeline in view to directly feeding into the demonstrators Product Lifecycle Management Digital Twin within 3D experience. - Equipment and process optimisation based on real-process data gathering and feeding into the simulation and design tools.
Funded By European Union (EU)
Country Spain , Southern Europe
Project Value EUR 1,399,575

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