Project Detail |
The operation consists of a third Framework Loan (FL) to support priority investments in the recovery of areas affected by the conflict in Ukraine and basic infrastructure needs of Internally Displaced Person (IDPs). Despite ongoing war and difficulties, daily life continues in many parts of the country and the Government of Ukraine must ensure that at least basic needs of the population are met. The FL builds on two previous successful operations that have delivered to Ukraine so far more than hundred of schools, hospitals, social housing, water plants etc. Objectives The aim is to support critical public infrastructure investments to ensure basic needs and decent living conditions for IDPs and host communities. The project will cover municipalities of Ukraine under control of the Ukrainian Government that are hosting significant influxes of IDPs and that are sufficiently safe to benefit from the technical assistance. The sectors allowed to be financed under the FL are: housing, education, health, district heating, administrative buildings, water, sanitation, local transportation. Technical designs are also eligible. Comments Guarantee to be determined. Sector(s) Energy - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Water, sewerage - Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities Urban development - Construction Transport - Transportation and storage Under Global Europe NDICI guarantee Under EFSD+ Guarantee Proposed EIB finance (Approximate amount) EUR 200 million Total cost (Approximate amount) EUR 200 million |