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Spain Project Notice - Magnetic 3D Nanowire Networks

Project Notice

PNR 53135
Project Name Magnetic 3D nanowire networks
Project Detail The scope of this Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action is contributing to achieve a priority goal for the European Commission: the development of resilient materials for Space technology, thus enabling it to achieve a leading position for the European aerospace industry. In February 2022, the EU Parliament flagged that Europe was critically lagging behind in space technology and market up-take competition. Nowadays, the EU is facing the consequences of geopolitical dependencies in energy, semiconductors and access to space. Space environment is harsh and pushes devices to the limits of radiation tolerance, temperature swifts and mechanical loads. Moreover, electronic devices in payloads and platforms must be lightweight and low volume. In addition, they shall not “interfere” with other sensitive electronic equipment by their own electromagnetic emissions. Three dimensional (3D) magnetic networks have the potential for a highly performance, long-life, and lightweight solution. However, precise fabrication of 3D magnetic metamaterials is expensive and hardly scalable. To overcome these challenges, we propose to use magnetic 3D Nanowire Networks fabricated by electrodeposition in self-assembled 3D alumina templates. The MIDAS project (MagnetIc 3D nAnowire networkS) envisages the capacity to decrease and even suppress the ElectroMagnetic Interference (EMI) and to improve the Electromagnetic Compatibility of space electronics, by developing space robust absorbing 3D metamaterials, able to be conformal to Aluminum chassis simplifying their practical implementation and integration within the structures. To achieve so, Dr. L. G. Vivas will receive hands-on training in complementary experimental techniques at the host group of Prof. M. Martin-Gonzalez at the Institute of Micro and Nanotechnology and the secondment group of Dr. R. Sanz at the National Institute of Aerospace Technique.
Funded By European Union (EU)
Country Spain , Southern Europe
Project Value EUR 181,153

Contact Information

Address Calle serrano 117 28006 Madrid
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