Project Detail |
The objective of this TC is to evaluate which types of digital skills improve the labor market prospects for specific vulnerable populations in the Caribbean, and in which dimensions. Literature expressing concerns that some new technologies might displace workers and widen inequality, suggests that new skill acquisition is crucial for counteracting potential loses with the creation of new tasks where technologies and workers complement each other (Acemoglu and Restrepo, 2018). The same literature warns that if current education systems are not agile enough to adapt, they could become a bottleneck to fostering tech skills (i.e., digital skills) recently cited as a foundational for securing and retaining employment opportunities, and points to a wide range of open questions regarding successful approaches to digital skills training efforts, digital skills attainment and results in terms of employment and the supply of adequate skills for the productive sector (Reamer, 2022). PROJECT DETAIL PROJECT NUMBERRG-T4243 APPROVAL DATEJuly 14, 2023 PROJECT COUNTRYRegional PROJECT SECTORPRIVATE FIRMS AND SME DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SUBSECTORSMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISE PROJECT TYPETechnical Cooperation PROJECT LENDING TYPESG PROJECT MODALITY PROJECT FACILITY TYPE PROJECT STATUSImplementation OPERATION NUMBERATN/CO-20204-RG PROJECT INFORMATION TOTAL COSTUSD 200,000 COUNTRY COUNTERPART FINANCINGUSD 0 AMOUNTUSD 200,000 |