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France Project Notice - Head To Tail Imaging Of Fluorescent Carbon Nanotubes For The Characterization Of The Brain Extracellular Space

Project Notice

PNR 52928
Project Name Head to tail imaging of fluorescent carbon nanotubes for the characterization of the brain extracellular space
Project Detail The NanoHeadTail proposes a novel and original approach combining fluorescence microscopy and nanotechnology to resolve the morphological and rheological properties of the brain extracellular space (ECS) at the nanoscale. Current methods allow to determine the local dimensions and fluidity of the ECS, but they do not allow to resolve its structural complexity and are limited to an analysis in 2D. This project proposes the simultaneous monitoring of the position, the translational and rotational diffusion of fluorescent probes over time and in 3D, allowing to determine the volumetric structure, fluidity and inner organization of the ECS locally. For that, a novel type of asymmetric probes will be designed based on the localized functionalization of single-walled carbon nanotubes with fluorescent color centers at their ends, analyzed using a custom cutting-edge fluorescence microscope and tested in live brain tissues from mice models of the Parkinson’s disease. The applicant will bring his strong expertise in the photophysics and chemistry of carbon nanotubes, critical for the preparation of the probes. In parallel, the fellow will gain a high-level hands-on training on optics assembly, super resolution microscopy and single particle tracking, imaging analysis and neurosciences. The project will be performed at the IOGS-LP2N (CNRS/Univ. Bordeaux), a leading French research institution, under the supervision of Dr. Laurent Cognet expert in the single particle tracking of nanoobjects. The proposal contains well-identified work packages which will ensure efficient science development but also project management, career development, training, technology transfer and communication. The fellow’s expertise, the hosting lab, the infrastructure, facilities and the mentoring will guarantee the successful execution of the NanoHeadTail goals and will allow the applicant to reach a high level of professional maturity and to develop his career as an independent researcher.
Funded By European Union (EU)
Country France , Western Europe
Project Value EUR 211,755

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