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Netherlands The Project Notice - One-Stop Shops As Citizens Hubs To Support The Decision Making Process For Integrated Renovations

Project Notice

PNR 52504
Project Name One-Stop Shops as Citizens Hubs to support the decision making process for integrated renovations
Project Detail One-stop shops for home renovation services Renovating buildings is crucial for achieving energy efficiency targets. The EU-funded Save the Homes project aims to increase buildings’ annual renovation rate by 5 %. Within this scope, the project will offer a one-stop shop (OSS) service to homeowners. An OSS Citizen Hub concept will be developed, offering to renovate offices. In addition, the project will propose social design by co-creation with the homeowners. It will also organise the budget and purchasing of renovation kits as well as the preparation of the renovation works. Moreover, the project will monitor the performances to ensure the sustainable quality of buildings and a positive user experience. Finally, Save the Homes will create strong networks and partnerships with local actors. The overall aim of Sav€ the Homes is to contribute to an increase of an annual renovation rate of > 5% by offering attractive OSS services to homeowners, managed and implemented by municipalities as being trustworthy entities for citizens. This is achieved by the implementation of OSS Citizen Hub concept, offering renovation offices, both as physical hubs and web-based virtual hubs at local level based on the concept of medium-sized cities and to maximize replicability, at national and EU level. Sav€ the Homes will: 1. Offer a full customers journey in 5 stops: - Stop 0 Onboarding - Stop 1 Design: Social design by co-creation with the homeowners - Stop 2 Elaboration: Organizing the financing, purchasing of renovation kits and the preparations for the construction of the renovation works - Stop 3 Construction: Realization of proven quality in interaction with homeowners and a peer-to-peer Renovation Community, as part of the Citizen Hub - Stop 4 In-use: Monitoring of total performances in practice for ensuring sustainable quality of building and user experience 2. Create strong networks and trustworthy partnerships with local actors in the whole chain 3. Create locally developed and organized financing and investment pipelines The integrated home renovation services will be established within already established OSS networks at the city (City of Rotterdam) and regional (Comunitat Valenciana) level in two EU countries, building upon existing energy targets and networks so far well established at the city levels where it brings a new method and mechanism on how to improve the existing interactions between the relevant organizations and stakeholders. It holistically connects renovation advisory, products and services, finance opportunities and legal advice with a building owner at a single point. By involving relevant EU umbrella organizations, the concept will be further promoted in other member states to come to a harmonized method applicable at EU level.
Funded By European Investment Bank (EIB)
Sector Advertising & Media
Country Netherlands The , Central Europe
Project Value EUR 1,596,525

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