Project Detail |
The objectives of this TC are: (i) the development of business models that enable the combination of public and private resources for the financing of public and logistics infrastructure that Panama requires to boost its economic reactivation; (ii) design comprehensive mobility projects that include the replacement of public transport fleets by electric vehicles, as well as increasing the transport infrastructure resilience. PROJECT DETAIL PROJECT NUMBERPN-T1329 APPROVAL DATEJune 21, 2023 PROJECT COUNTRYPanama PROJECT SECTORTRANSPORTATION PROJECT SUBSECTORPUBLIC TRANSPORT (BUS / TRAIN / CABLE). INFRASTRUCTURE AND EQUIPMENT PROJECT TYPEtechnical cooperation PROJECT LENDING TYPESG PROJECT MODALITY PROJECT FACILITY TYPE PROJECT STATUSimplementation PROJECT INFORMATION TOTAL COST$200,000 COUNTRY COUNTERPART FINANCING$0 AMOUNT$200,000 |