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Burkina Faso Project Notice - Research And Innovation Project For Productive, Resilient And Healthy Agro-Pastoral Systems In West Africa (PRISMA)

Project Notice

PNR 51599
Project Name Research and innovation project for productive, resilient and healthy agro-pastoral systems in West Africa (PRISMA)
Project Detail The overall objective of the project is to contribute to an agro-ecological transformation of agro-pastoral systems adapted to climate change in order to make them more productive, resilient and healthy for animals, humans and the environment . Specifically, this project co-financed by the European Union (EU) and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), implemented by the Belgian Development Agency (Enabel), AECID and LuxDev, aims to: improve the availability of and access to pastoral resources through sustainable management practices adapted to climate change, tested by research and known by technical and social actors; improve the availability of and access to quality livestock feed at the regional level, through better production and organization of distribution; limit the risks associated with the consumption of local milk for human health through better control of zoonoses; ensure coherent consultation with the main influential and potentially impacted actors of the action and initiate a dialogue with decision-makers to improve sectoral policies. Context Livestock in West Africa is the main economic activity for at least 50 million people in the Sahel. It is largely based on the pastoral system and the mobility of livestock in search of adequate fodder according to the seasons. This mobility is a strategy for adapting to the irregularity of the rains and the cyclical droughts faced by the Sahelian countries. However, it is hampered by the shrinking and degradation of grazing areas and by the closure of herds access to certain southern countries (Benin, Nigeria). This situation, coupled with a chronic shortage of livestock feed and its high cost, leads to serious crises for this mode of production, thus weakening the people who live in these regions. Added to these evils is the problem of animal health, with the corollary of the transmission of diseases from animals to humans, which constitutes a public health problem. Also in the Sahel, Through research and innovation, PRISMA wants to tackle the challenges of the availability of fodder, the management of pastoral resources, the production and distribution of animal feed and the health safety of by-products. livestock, in this case milk. The project will also help to resolve the difficulties related to coordination between stakeholders, and to stimulate knowledge sharing and policy dialogue around these themes with a view to defining strategic orientations for the development of livestock farming in East Africa. West. Project intervention strategy The project aims to promote the consideration of climate change issues, the securing of pastoral systems and agro-pastoral development in the various policies by supporting regional orientations and the construction of a shared vision of mobile pastoral systems in West Africa. West, particularly in the area of ??the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). It will also make contributions with a view to completing various regional research or development projects in synergy with them. By aiming to produce applied research results, PRISMA supports regional orientations. It is based on a participatory and multi-sector approach, involving North-South partnerships, and relies on strong mobilization of local, public and private operational structures. The aim is to promote the results of research by local actors and political decision-makers. In other words, the intervention strategy has three stages: the production of knowledge , resulting from research work (capitalization, research-action), which will be valued in the context of strengthening the skills of local actors; the scaling up of innovations and good practices analyzed and validated by local actors; the dialogue of the main results and recommendations of the research with political decision-makers, which will allow them to be taken into consideration to guide sectoral policies. In a specific way, concerning the improvement of the management of pastoral resources and the adaptation to the effects of climate change, PRISMA will capitalize on pasture restoration and management initiatives, significant alternatives to the exploitation of pastoral resources, carbon credit mechanisms to promote mitigation/attenuation initiatives in agro-pastoral environments and will promote their implementation. ladder. Enabel ensures with LuxDev the implementation of this specific objective 1 of PRISMA; each agency having specific activities (Enabel for the management of pastoral resources and LuxDev for carbon credit mechanisms). However, given the context of growing insecurity in the Sahel, the project will adapt to this context by modifying its areas of investigation if necessary. Specific objective 2 of improving access to livestock feed is implemented by AECID and will consist of improving the livestock feed distribution network through storage banks. It will also be a question of strengthening the production of quality animal feed and putting in place efficient mechanisms to make animal feed available, especially during the lean season, through index insurance systems and support. technique for production and estimating import needs. Regarding the limitation of zoonoses in the milk sector , this objective 3 of the project is implemented by Enabel. This will involve providing data on the prevalence of tuberculosis and brucellosis and building the capacity of epidemiological surveillance networks. The project will collaboratively diagnose the access of actors in the milk sector to epidemiological information, facilitate co-creation and pilot innovative solutions for the prevention or management of zoonoses in the milk sector. Finally, concerning the contribution to national and regional sectoral policies and strategies , PRISMA will facilitate consultation between various actors, political dialogue, information awareness/training as well as sharing in high-level events. This fourth objective of PRISMA is jointly implemented by the three agencies in order to guarantee consistency in the achievement of results. PRISMA will set up three thematic groups linked to the three components (management of pastoral resources and climate change; animal feed; prevention and control of zoonoses). Each partner will provide leadership for a given theme: LuxDev for the management of pastoral resources and climate change, Enabel for the prevention and control of zoonoses and AECID for livestock feed. These thematic groups will be forums for discussion and sharing of action research results. The three project implementing agencies are assisted by a strategic orientation committee (COS) as an advisory body. Project funding PRISMA is funded by the European Union to the tune of EUR 6,000,000 and by AECID to the tune of EUR 495,000. The budget allocated to LuxDev is EUR 1,200,000. Partnership In addition to the donors and the project executing agencies, the partners included in the contract and having access to funding are, among others: the Institut du Sahel, the University of Liège, Vétérinaire sans frontières, the National Institute of environment and agricultural research, the International Center for Livestock Research and Development in the Subhumid Zone, the AGRHYMET Regional Centre, the Center for International Cooperation in Agricultural Research for Development, the Royal Institute for the Tropics of Amsterdam, the University of Luxembourg (UNI.LU) Interdisciplinary center for security, reliability and trust (SnT), the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment and Paris Dauphine University (Laboratory of Forest Economics and the Climate Economics Chair), the Plan Vivo Foundation, CO2Logic. The other main stakeholders are: ECOWAS, particularly through the Department of Agriculture (ARAA and CRSA), the RBM network, AREPK in Mali, the PRADEL and REPO programs in Niger, PREDIP, the GloNet Sahel, PRAPS and other DeSIRA initiatives. Location and duration of the project PRISMA is implemented for a period of four years (2022-2025). All the activities will be implemented in Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso, countries in which Enabel, LuxDev and AECID are already established. At the level of each country, the interventions concern mainly but not exclusively the areas of: Mali: Koulikoro, Sikasso; Niger: Zinder, Tahoua, Dosso, Tillabéry; Burkina Faso : Sahel, Centre-Nord and Nord regions.
Funded By Luxembourg Agency for the Development Co-operation (Lux-Development S.A.)
Sector Administration & Marketing
Country Burkina Faso , Western Africa
Project Value XOF 6,495,000

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Company Name Luxembourg Agency for the Development Co-operation (Lux-Development S.A.)
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