Project Detail |
The BKF/024 project is consistent with the priority orientations of the 3rd Indicative Cooperation Program (ICP) between Burkina Faso and Luxembourg, which identifies the sustainable management of natural resources as a focal sector. As a continuation of CIP II support, it aims to reduce the vulnerability of livestock stakeholders to climate shocks, and to the reduction and fragmentation of grazing areas by implementing activities to restore pastoral resources. The scaling up of restoration actions, in a logic ensuring the management of herd mobility, is one of the conditions for their sustainability. Likewise, their valorization by women and the poorest is a factor to be promoted. Finally, the carbon market offers an opportunity to ensure the sustainability of the conservation and preservation of reclaimed land over the medium to long term. The specific objective of the project aligns with the strategic objective of the budget program 081 of the Ministry of Animal and Fishery Resources (MRAH). This program aims to “create a secure and favorable environment for sustainable production” and the two project results are aligned with actions 1 and 2 of this program: R1 “Secure pastoral spaces are created”; R2 “The pastoral spaces created are operationalized”. The project thus provides for the restoration and securing, through the development of 15 land charters, of 10,800 hectares (ha) of pastoral areas in addition to the 8,500 ha of the previous phase, the marking of 60 kilometers of tracks livestock and rest areas, the creation of 10 water points, the development of sites restored by mowing and hay conservation, the development of income-generating activities related to small livestock and the sale of carbon credits. The expected effects are the increase in functional pastoral spaces, the securing of pastoral activities and the reduction of conflicts between farmers and breeders, an improved representation of women in local authorities, the extension of the duration of cattle feeding in village soils and the improvement of the coverage of the food needs of livestock, as well as the improvement of the incomes of women and the poor for the activities promoted. The project will operate in seven provinces of the Sahel, North and Center North regions, out of a total of 22 municipalities. The direct beneficiaries and main actors are livestock breeders and agro-pastoralists, populations entitled to restored pastoral areas, with particular attention to women, young people and the poor, local authorities and their land commissions, the MRAH and the Ministry Environment, Green Economy and Climate Change, NGOs and contractualised development associations. The regions security context and the impact of climate change on pastoral resources are the main threats to the implementation of the project, which is scheduled to start in the second half of 2018. |