Project Detail |
The objective of the project is to support the Ministry of the Interior of Ecuador in building capacity for the management and analysis of migration flow data and the modernization of the biometric migration control system, as well as the fight against the illegal trafficking of migrants. To do so, this technical cooperation intends to contribute to the institutional strengthening of the Ministry of the Interior in order to mitigate the effects of transnational organized crime and migratory crimes, especially smuggling, as well as the generation of migratory statistical information for timely decision-making and the design of public policies aimed at supporting the integration process of the migrant population. To this end, through technical assistance, it is intended to: I); Formulate the Action Plan against the Smuggling of Migrants, which will develop a strategy, protocol and practice of migration intelligence that will provide mechanisms to anticipate threats, their prevention and subsequent mitigation; and, II) Promote the interoperability of migration systems based on the collection of information to modernize the biometric services of the migration registry. PROJECT DETAIL PROJECT NUMBEREC-T1505 APPROVAL DATEApril 10, 2023 PROJECT COUNTRYEcuador PROJECT SECTORSOCIAL INVESTMENT PROJECT SUBSECTORMIGRATION & MIGRANTS PROJECT TYPETechnical Cooperation PROJECT LENDING TYPESG PROJECT MODALITY PROJECT FACILITY TYPE PROJECT STATUSImplementation PROJECT INFORMATION TOTAL COSTUSD 150,000 COUNTRY COUNTERPART FINANCINGUSD 0 AMOUNTUSD 150,000 |