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Mexico Project Notice - State Of Baja California Water Utilities Sustainability Bond

Project Notice

PNR 51028
Project Name State of Baja California Water Utilities Sustainability Bond
Project Detail The utilities in Baja California operate with high water and wastewater coverages when compared to many other utilities in Mexico. The drinking water systems in the State serve more than 1,228,000 connections with coverage reaching approximately 97.6% of households and the wastewater systems serve more than 1,083,000 connections with approximately 84.8% coverage. However, several challenges remain to reach universal coverage, rehabilitate aging infrastructure, and diversify and make their water supply more resilient. Background The project includes investments related to the construction, improvement, rehabilitation and/or replacement of water and wastewater infrastructure, as well as the acquisition of equipment or other purchases required for the provision of efficient and reliable public water services. Benefits The project is expected to improve access to sustainable and reliable drinking water service by increasing water treatment capacity through the construction of new plants and the expansion of existing facilities, increasing groundwater supply capacity through the construction of new water wells and replacing 45.3 km (28.1 miles) of water distribution lines, among other improvements. The project will also help eliminate the risk of untreated wastewater discharges by increasing wastewater treatment capacity and rehabilitating existing treatment plants, as well as rehabilitating 94.9 km (59.0 miles) of wastewater collection infrastructure.
Funded By North American Development Bank (NADB)
Sector Engineering
Country Mexico , Northern America
Project Value MXN 150,070,000

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Company Name North American Development Bank (NADB)
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