Project Detail |
The project is aligned with the following impact: a green, inclusive, and resilient recovery achieved. The project will have the following outcome: living conditions, livelihoods, and climate resilience in the flood-affected northeast region of Bangladesh improved. The outputs of the project are as follows: Output 1. Rural transport and connectivity infrastructure rehabilitated and reconstructed. This output will rehabilitate and reconstruct vital transport and connectivity infrastructure to flood-affected communities. LGED and BR will jointly deliver the output. Project Name Flood Reconstruction Emergency Assistance Project (FREAP) Project Number 56339-001 Country / Economy Bangladesh Project Status Approved Project Type / Modality of Assistance Loan Technical Assistance Source of Funding / Amount Loan 4305-BAN: Flood Reconstruction Emergency Assistance Project Concessional ordinary capital resources lending US$ 230.00 million TA 10097-BAN: Implementing the Flood Reconstruction Emergency Assistance Project Technical Assistance Special Fund US$ 1.00 million Operational Priorities OP1: Addressing remaining poverty and reducing inequalities OP2: Accelerating progress in gender equality OP3: Tackling climate change, building climate and disaster resilience, and enhancing environmental sustainability OP5: Promoting rural development and food security OP6: Strengthening governance and institutional capacity Strategic Agendas Environmentally sustainable growth Inclusive economic growth Drivers of Change Gender Equity and Mainstreaming Governance and capacity development Knowledge solutions Private sector development Sector / Subsector Agriculture, natural resources and rural development / Agricultural production - Rural flood protection - Rural market infrastructure - Rural sanitation - Rural water supply services Transport / Rail transport (non-urban) Gender Equity and Mainstreaming Effective gender mainstreaming Description The project is aligned with the following impact: a green, inclusive, and resilient recovery achieved. The project will have the following outcome: living conditions, livelihoods, and climate resilience in the flood-affected northeast region of Bangladesh improved. The outputs of the project are as follows: Output 1. Rural transport and connectivity infrastructure rehabilitated and reconstructed. This output will rehabilitate and reconstruct vital transport and connectivity infrastructure to flood-affected communities. LGED and BR will jointly deliver the output. Output 2. River embankments and irrigation infrastructure rehabilitated and reconstructed. Under this output, the project will rehabilitate and reconstruct flood fuses, submersible embankment with cement concrete armoring, river protection work, flood control embankment, regulators and sluices with village platforms with climate resilient design for irrigation infrastructure and protect productive crop areas in the affected districts. The river embankments will be raised and enforced to make them resilient to severe floods. BWDB will deliver output 2. Output 3: Water supply and sanitation facilities rehabilitated and reconstructed. The output will deliver improved water supply and sanitation facilities to enable continued and undisrupted supply of basic human needs to the residents during future floods. DPHE will deliver output 2 Output 4: Rural livelihoods and agriculture farming enhanced and transformed. The project will support local farmers livelihood enhancement and agricultural transformation. Improvement of agriculture value chains of crops and fisheries will improve food security, nutrition, employment, poverty reduction, and rural livelihoods in the Haor region. The DAE will implement the output. Output 5: Institutional capacity strengthened. The output will support the design, cost estimates, implementation of the project and capacity development through national and international firms and individual consultants, and NGOs. Project Rationale and Linkage to Country/Regional Strategy Devastating floods during May-June 2022 affected 7.2 million people and 10% of the countrys land area. Among the affected people, 3.6 million were women and girls. Seven of the flood affected districts are in the Haor region (wetland), where the exposure to flooding risk and incidence of poverty is high. According to Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB), 2,458 mm of rainfall was recorded in just three days from 15-17 June 2022 upstream in Cherapunji in India, which is situated near northeast Bangladesh this was the highest precipitation in 122 years since rainfall recording was started. Among the nine flood-affected districts, Sylhet and Sunamganj experienced major damage. The floods caused extensive damage to rural transport infrastructure; flood embankments; water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) facilities; housing; agricultural cropland; livestock and fisheries; schools; and primary hospitals and disrupted economic activities and livelihood. The disruptions range from deteriorated living conditions of the poor households to serious impacts on livelihoods and income-generating activities especially agriculture and livestock; difficulty in accessing drinking water and sanitary latrines; problems in maintaining health and hygiene especially for women and girls; trouble in daily commutation and goods transportation due to damaged roads and railway. Unsanitary defecation and poor quality of water use due to the damaged latrines and tube-wells have exposed high health risks to the poor especially women and girls. The proposed $230 million EAL responds to the governments official requests to ADB on 26 September 2022 and 24 October 2022 for the EAL to support the post-flood recovery of four hard-hit sectors in nine northeast districts of Bangladesh as identified and confirmed by the PDNA. The EAL will have an attached technical assistance (TA) of $1 million to be funded from TASF-7. The scopes of the proposed EAL are selected based on the urgent and priority sectors for restoring basic supplies and services, where ADB has a comparative advantage. The project will follow a sector-based approach. Selection of subprojects will follow the subproject selection criteria that will mainly require the (i) subproject implementation period must be within the project closing date; (ii) subprojects do not require land acquisition and involuntary resettlement, and impact to indigenous peoples; and (iii) most impacted area in terms of damage and infrastructure that brings highest socio-economic benefit. Impact A green, inclusive, and resilient recovery achieved (Post-Disaster Needs AssessmentBangladesh: Floods 2022) |