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Madagascar Project Notice - Madagascar - Agricultural Development Pole Project In The Right Bank Of The Mangoky Delta (PDA-RDM)

Project Notice

PNR 50686
Project Name Madagascar - Agricultural development pole project in the right bank of the Mangoky delta (PDA-RDM)
Project Detail Approval Date 17 Feb 2022 Signature Date 23 May 2022 Planned Completion Date 31 Dec 2023 Last Disbursement Planned Date 31 Dec 2023 Sovereign / Non-Sovereign Sovereign Sector Agriculture and Rural Development DAC Sector Code 31110 Environmental Category 1 Commitment U.A 1,850,000 Status Approved Project General Description The proposed operation concerns an advance not exceeding one million eight hundred and fifty thousand (1,850,000) UA, requested by the Malagasy Government, under the Preparation Financing Fund (PPF), for the financing of services relating to the preparation of the project of the Agricultural Development Pole in the right bank of the Mangoky Delta (PDA-RDM). The expected project will include the following actions: (i) the installation of a water intake on the right bank of the Mangoky River and the construction of the feeder canal and irrigation network to supply a perimeter of about 8,000-10,000 ha to be identified in the area; (ii) the securing of land for the exploitation of the new irrigated perimeter: (iii) support to value chain development: organisation of farmers into water users associations and federations, support to water management and infrastructure maintenance, technical and financial support for optimal and efficient agricultural production and yields; and (iv) Project management and coordination. The activities related to the studies will be carried out over a maximum period of 20 months from the date of entry into force of the agreement. The results of the studies and services financed by the PPF will provide the project evaluation with technical, financial, economic, environmental and social data as well as the tender documents for the priority infrastructures and the operational and governance tools of the project. Project Objectives The sectoral objective of the project is to contribute to the reduction of poverty and the improvement of food and nutritional security in rural Madagascar. Its specific objective is to increase agricultural production and productivity in the Ménabé Region. Beneficiaries The study area covers an area of about 29,000 ha located in the commune of Ankiliabo, Manja District of the Menabe region in the southwest of the country. This region covers an area of 46,121 km² with an estimated population of 692,500 inhabitants, 75% of whom work in the agricultural sector. The agricultural landscape of this region is dominated by agricultural products such as rice, cassava, maize and groundnuts and to a lesser extent cotton, potatoes, onions, beans and peas. The yields of these different crops are low, with food production barely sufficient to cover the regions needs. Non-agricultural occupations (trade, etc.) occupy about 10.6% of women and skilled manual work is the main activity of about 11% of men.
Funded By African Development Bank (AfDB)
Sector Administration & Marketing
Country Madagascar , Africa
Project Value MGA 1,850,000

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