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Senegal Project Notice - Senegal - Digital Market Oriented Platform For Small Holder Farmers Financial Inclusion

Project Notice

PNR 50675
Project Name Senegal - Digital market oriented platform for small holder farmers financial inclusion
Project Detail Approval Date 22 Apr 2022 Signature Date 30 Jun 2022 Sovereign / Non-Sovereign Non Sovereign Sector Finance DAC Sector Code 24030 Environmental Category 3 Commitment U.A 717,591.9 Status Implementation Project General Description The Senegal Digital Market Oriented Platform for Smallholder Women Farmers Financial Inclusion (SDMo4SFI) project aims to contribute to achieve a sustainable economic growth and improve the quality of life for Senegal’s rural dwellers, mainly women in Casamance region. The project seeks to provide farmers with the means to reduce the power of intermediaries by offering a web portal for training and information dedicated to agricultural stakeholders, and a virtual market for exchange between sellers and buyers. In addition, it will be possible to publish or consult market supply and demand via the Internet, mobile phones (SMS) or USSD channels and voice services. The SDMo4SFI project is structured into three complementary components: (i) Assistance, advice, and support for access to gender-sensitive digital financial services; (ii) Support to market access and creation of opportunities in agricultural value chains; and (iii) Project Management, which comprises the day-to-day management and coordination of all project activities. Project Objectives The overall objective of the SDMo4SFI project is to contribute to the promotion of inclusive and sustainable economic growth and the improvement of the quality of life for Senegal’s rural dwellers. Specifically, the project aims to increase and improve the productivity of the agriculture sector, improve financial inclusion of rural dwellers, and foster women’s empowerment by facilitating their access to Market data (prices, market opportunities, availability quantities, changes in demand and supply, etc.) and any other information helpful for the development of their activities (good agricultural practices, weather forecasts, disease control methods, etc.) and Innovative financial services adapted to their needs (nano-credit, digital savings, digital, etc.). Beneficiaries The main beneficiaries are small-scale farmers. Basically, the project will prioritize women small holder farmers as well as women led cooperatives. Other direct beneficiaries are MFIs and other FIs operating in Agri value chains. The “Agence Nationale pour la Relance des Activités Economique et Sociales en Casamance” (ANRAC) will benefit from capacity building in a view to have it continue providing assistance to primary beneficiaries. The indirect beneficiaries include among others; agro-dealers, agricultural input suppliers, local businesses and the broader private sector.
Funded By Self-Funded
Country Senegal , Africa
Project Value XOF 717,592

Contact Information

Company Name Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Equipement Rural (MAER)
Web Site

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