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Mozambique Project Notice - Project For Expansion Of New Curriculum In Mozambique

Project Notice

PNR 49928
Project Name Project for Expansion of New Curriculum in Mozambique
Project Detail Ministry of Education and Human Development (MINEDH), National Institute for Development of Education (INDE), Institute of Open and Distance Education (IEDA), and National Institute of Exams, Certification and Equivalences (INECE) Background In Mozambique, the gross enrollment rate steadily expanded quantitatively, reaching 115.4% (2017) from 47% (1999). However, improvement of pupil learning is still a critical issue—only 4.9% of third-grade pupils in the area of reading and writing and 7.7% of third-grade pupils in the area of calculation meet the academic standards specified in the 2016 National Assessment (Avaliação Nacional da 3a Classe). In response to this situation, Mozambiques Strategic Plan for Education (2020-2029) continues to set the improvement of education quality as an important policy goal, and it is necessary to strengthen the capacity of relevant organizations and professional human resources in Mozambique in order to realize this goal. Since 2006, JICA has been supporting the capacity building of teachers in Mozambique from both physical and technical aspects through technical cooperation projects such as the Strengthening of Primary Education in Gaza Province in Mozambique. In the Project for Expansion of New Curriculum of Teacher Training Institute (IFP) in Mozambique (hereinafter referred to as PENCIFOP), implemented from 2016 to 2020, JICA supported the development of teaching materials for mathematics and natural science for IFPs, which greatly contributed to the improvement of teaching skills of the IFP pupils and instructors. In the process of implementing these projects, the MINEDH and JICA agreed on the need for further comprehensive efforts including the improvement of the national curriculum and textbooks, the educational evaluation system and teacher education in order to enhance pupil learning in primary mathematics and natural science. It is against this background that the MINEDH and JICA jointly launched the Project for Expansion of New Curriculum in Mozambique. We will work on the revision of mathematics and science curricula and textbooks and strengthen pre- and in-service teacher training and the educational assessment system, aiming to improve the academic performance of Mozambican pupils. This project is particularly unique among JICAs educational cooperation projects in that it addresses the Comprehensive Approach for Learning Improvement* set forth in JICA Position Paper in Education Cooperation (2015) within a single project. * An approach that provides comprehensive solutions by the following interventions: (1) development and revision of systematic and consistent curriculum, (2) development of textbooks which are consistent with the curriculum and learning materials for childrens basic skills acquisition, (3) teacher professional development through pre-service and in-service teacher training and development/revision of teachers guides and (4) improvement of assessment which is consistent with other areas of the learning cycle. The Overall Goal Academic performance of pupils on mathematics and natural science is improved at primary school level. Project Purpose Mathematics and natural science lessons are implemented with quality and quantity defined, according to the national curriculum, at all primary schools with certain conditions. Output The capacity of the core professionals of the MINEDH, INDE, IEDA and INECE, and the core teachers of mathematics and natural science (one each) of each IFP is improved. The capacity of 12+3 IFP students to teach mathematics and natural science is developed. The capacity of primary school teachers to teach mathematics and natural science is improved through self-learning and self-training using ICT and selective accompanying guidance linking with the continuous teacher training strategy. The national curriculum of primary education on mathematics and natural science are developed corresponding to the new general education subsystem. The textbooks and teachers guides for 1st to 6th grade of primary education on mathematics and natural science are prepared based on the new national curriculum. The educational assessment system is strengthened based on the new national curriculum (focusing on the achievement level of primary pupils in mathematics and natural science). A curriculum management cycle (curriculum and teaching materials revision cycle) is established based on the experience of the Project. Project Activities 1-1 The math team and natural science team are formed by respective core professionals of the MINEDH, INDE, IEDA and INECE (core members) and core IFP teachers (sub members), who are selected based on the criteria established by the MINEDH and Japanese experts. 1-2 Both teams conduct a baseline survey (a survey for the actual situation of all 38 IFPs and the current status of primary education). 1-3 Both teams realize all the planned activities of Output 2 - Output 6. 1-4 Country-focused training course in Japan is held, if necessary (only in fiscal year 2021 and 2022). 1-5 Both teams conduct an end-line survey (an evaluation survey of all 38 IFPs and follow-up survey of IFP graduates). 1-6 The specialized personnel ability tests prepared by the MINEDH and Japanese experts are conducted for members of both teams. 2-1 Both teams make additional training (self-learning + group training) plan and accompanying guidance (monitoring + individualized technical advice) plan for the purpose of promoting the utilization of mathematics and natural science education teaching materials for IFP students developed in PENCIFOP, considering the results of 1-2 surveys. 2-2 Each team develops group training materials, self-learning/training application (self-learning/training materials + user interface) and accompanying guidance tools. 2-3 Each team conducts additional training and accompanying guidance to 38 IFPs mathematics and natural science teachers and teachers of IFPs annex primary schools based on the 2-1 plan. 2-4 All of the IFP mathematics and natural science teachers, IFP students and teachers of IFPs annex primary schools carry out self-learning/training using the application. 2-5 Each team analyses demonstration lessons of IFP students and the results of school year/term-end exam. 2-6 Each team prepares additional training report, accompanying guidance report and teaching capacity analysis report of IFP students on mathematics and natural science. 2-7 Both teams provide feedback and additional supports to stakeholders based on the results of 2-6. 3-1 Both teams make the self-learning/training plan and selective accompanying guidance plan for all primary school teachers based on the results of 1-2 surveys. 3-2 Each team develops self-learning/training application (learning/training materials + user interface). 3-3 All primary school teachers conduct self-learning/training using the application based on the self-learning/training plan in 3-1. 3-4 Each team conducts selective accompanying guidance to (some or all) fixed-point observation primary school teachers based on the selective accompanying guidance plan in 3-1. 3-5 Each team prepares self-learning/training report and accompanying guidance report. 3-6 Both teams try to improve the current situation through feedback and additional supports to the stakeholders based on the results of 3-5. 4-1 Both teams collect and analyse documents and data related to the new national curriculum on mathematics and natural science in primary education. 4-2 If both teams find any points to improve in the new national curriculum on mathematics and natural science in primary education, they prepare a curriculum revision proposal and drafts of revised curriculum. 4-3 If necessary, both teams support the approval process of the revised curriculum. 4-4 Each team prepares reference materials of new national curriculum (self-learning/training materials) on mathematics and natural science in primary education. 4-5 Both teams disseminate the new national curriculum to primary school teachers and IFP mathematics and natural science teachers as a part of self-learning/training using ICT. 4-6 Both teams provide feedback to stakeholders based on the results of the self-learning/training in 4-5, if necessary. 5-1 Each team summarizes the points to improve in the current textbooks and teachers guides on mathematics and natural science in primary education through a comparative analysis of a new national curriculum. 5-2 Both teams verify the existing revision plan of textbooks and teachers guides on mathematics and natural science in primary education and modify it as needed. 5-3 Both teams develop the editing guidelines of textbooks and teachers guides based on the result of 5-1. 5-4 Each team prepares the drafts of revised textbooks and teachers guides. 5-5 Each team validates the revised textbooks and teachers guides at pilot schools (some of fixed-point observation schools). 5-6 Each team completes the revised textbooks and teachers guides reflecting the results of validation. 5-7 Both teams support the approval process of the revised textbooks and teachers guides. 5-8 The MINEDH prints and distributes the revised textbooks and teachers guides. 5-9 Both teams conduct an induction training on the revised textbooks and teachers guides for primary school teachers and IFP mathematics and natural science teachers using ICT. 5-10 Each team provides the selective accompanying guidance to primary school teachers at fixed-point observation schools when they visit those schools for the activity 3-4. 5-11 Both teams will provide feedback to stakeholders based on the results of the introduction training and the selective accompanying training, if necessary. 6-1 Both teams research and analyse the current educational assessment system, the assessment plan and the assessment tools focusing on the achievement level of primary pupils on mathematics and natural science. 6-2 Both teams prepare the proposal to improve them following the new national curriculum based on the results of the activity 6-1. 6-3 Both teams prepare the educational assessment guidelines (including the assessment plan) and revised assessment tools on mathematics and natural science in primary education based on the activity 6-2. 6-4 Each team validates the educational assessment guidelines and the revised assessment tools on mathematics and natural science in primary education. 6-5 Both teams complete the educational assessment guidelines and the revised assessment tools on mathematics and natural science in primary education. 6-6 Both teams support the approval process of the educational assessment guidelines and the revised assessment tools on mathematics and natural science in primary education. 6-7 Both teams disseminate the educational assessment guidelines and the revised assessment tools on mathematics and natural science in primary education to stakeholders. 7-1 Japanese experts hold workshops for the project members to systematize experience of the Project. 7-2 Japanese experts and core professionals of MINEDH develop the draft of basic concept on a curriculum management cycle based on the results of the activity 7-1. 7-3 Japanese experts and core professionals complete the basic concept of the curriculum management cycle reflecting the opinions of key stakeholders in the MINEDH. 7-4 Japanese experts and core professionals develop the curriculum management cycle guidelines according to the basic concept. 7-5 Core professionals support the approval process of the curriculum management cycle guidelines. 7-6 Japanese experts and core professionals disseminate the curriculum management cycle guidelines to stakeholders. Inputs [Japanese side] Dispatch of Experts (Team Leader/System Development Specialist, Coordinator/Teacher Training Specialist, Mathematics Education Specialist, Natural Science Education Specialist, ICT Education Specialist, Educational Evaluation Specialist) Training in Japan: 10 x 2 times (in JFY2021 and 2022) Necessary Equipment: Office equipment, Training equipment Cost (Cost for activities of JICA experts, Training material creation /printing expenses, Reports preparation and printing expenses, Conducting workshop expenses, Communication expenses (for experts)) Inputs [Mozambique side] Services of MINEDHs and relevant organization counterpart personnel and administrative personnel - Joint Coordination Committee (JCC) members - The math team and natural science team (Professionals of MINEDH, INDE, IEDA and INECE, Chief or representative of math and natural science subject from each IFP (one for each IFP)) Required equipment: Project office with equipment Cost (Teachers training, Accompanying guidance expenses, Various survey-related expenses, Printing and distribution of revised textbooks and teachers guidebooks, Communication expenses (for mathematics/natural science team, training participants, and other MINEDH personnel), Utility expenses)
Funded By Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Sector Other Industries
Country Mozambique , Eastern Africa
Project Value Plz Refer Document

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