Project Detail |
The Ministry of Labor and Economic Affairs is launching a comprehensive reform of the security of supply target decision. The work is carried out in broad cooperation with ministries, the Finnish Service Security Agency, the Service Security Council, the security of supply organization and other stakeholders. Project number TEM080:00/2022 Case numbers VN/30737/2022 Setter Ministry of Employment and the Economy Tenure/Schedule 19.1.2023 – According to the security of supply report, the goal decision will continue to be a functional way to determine national and sector-specific security of supply goals and operational priorities. In the new target decision, sector-specific preparedness measures are enhanced and the coordination of the preparedness measures of different sectors is intensified. Each ministry is responsible for preparedness in its own administrative area. The Governments target decision on security of supply goals is developed and special attention is paid to: • the target level of security of supply and the responsibilities for implementation, including an assessment of the current levels of material preparedness, • the development of coordination of the preparedness measures of different operators, • the monitoring of implementation and the assessment of effectiveness and • to the objectives of critical infrastructure preparedness measures, the minimum levels of preparedness of operators maintaining critical operations, sector-specific responsibilities and the coordination of measures at the Government Council level. Summary The Ministry of Labor and Economic Affairs is launching a comprehensive reform of the security of supply target decision. The work is carried out in broad cooperation with ministries, the Finnish Service Security Agency, the Service Security Council, the security of supply organization and other stakeholders. |