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Romania Project Notice - T MURES-OGRA-C TURZII A3 HIGHWAY (SPL 2015-0712)

Project Notice

PNR 49533
Project Name T MURES-OGRA-C TURZII A3 HIGHWAY (SPL 2015-0712)
Project Detail The project concerns the construction of a new 51.8 km 2x2 lanes motorway section of the A3 motorway between the towns of Targu Mures, Ogra and Campia Turzii and a 4.7 km national 2x2 link road to the city of Targu Mures. Additionality and Impact The Project is located on the Core TEN-T Network in a Cohesion region of Romania. The Project addresses the market/network failures related to accessibility along the Core TEN-T Network. The new link will reduce travel times, vehicle operating costs, accident levels and exposure of inhabitants to air and noise pollutants and improve the quality of life for local residents along the existing DN15 (E60). The Project will serve local, regional and international traffic demand. The project has benefited from JASPERS and PASU Technical Assistance to the Managing Authority. Romania will benefit from the advantageous financial conditions offered by EIB, including long tenors (up to 25 years) and attractive interest rates. Such conditions will allow Romania for a considerable financial flexibility in the implementation of its transport infrastructural investments (including the T Mures-Ogra-C Turzii A3 highway) and contribute to the effective absorption of EU funds. Objectives The aim is to improve mobility on the trans-European network (TEN-T) core road infrastructure, reduce travel times, vehicle operating costs and accident levels. The project will also improve the quality of life for local residents along the existing DN15 (E60), by reducing their exposure to air and noise pollutants. Sector(s) Transport - Transportation and storage Proposed EIB finance (Approximate amount) EUR 33 million Total cost (Approximate amount) EUR 529 million
Funded By European Investment Bank (EIB)
Sector Entertainment
Country Romania , Eastern Europe
Project Value RON 52,900,000

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Company Name European Investment Bank (EIB)
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