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Brazil Project Notice - Downstream Support For The Development Of Ppps In Brazil

Project Notice

PNR 49480
Project Name Downstream support for the development of PPPs in Brazil
Project Detail The objective of this TC is to provide upstream and downstream specialized advisory service to the preparation of PPP projects in Brazil, in order to further develop the private participation in infrastructure in the country and to address key bottle necks to promote continued improvement of the countrys infrastructure trough private participation. Therefore, this TC will: (i) support the development or improvement of specific institutional arrangements in the PPP sector, and (ii) provide advisory service for the appraisal and structuring of specific PPP projects, either for the Federal Government or for Subnational Entities, in accordance with the IDBs institutional strategies and country priorities. PROJECT DETAIL PROJECT NUMBERBR-T1528 APPROVAL DATENovember 30, 2022 PROJECT COUNTRYBrazil PROJECT SECTOR PROJECT SUBSECTOR PROJECT TYPETechnical Cooperation PROJECT LENDING TYPESG PROJECT MODALITY PROJECT FACILITY TYPE PROJECT STATUSImplementation OPERATION NUMBERATC/OC-19715-BR PROJECT INFORMATION TOTAL COSTUSD 1,250,000 COUNTRY COUNTERPART FINANCINGUSD 0 AMOUNTUSD 1,250,000
Funded By Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)
Sector Oil & Gas
Country Brazil , South America
Project Value BRL 1,250,000

Contact Information

Company Name Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)
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